Chapter seven:Black Angel [Edited]

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Edited: I changed the whole chapter's plot.

3:45 pm

Sept 22,2022

"Darkness, darkness surrounds me.I am consumed in darkness.I am darkness.I am the darkness that lives in all things."A voice whispered softly.

Who are you?I asked no one.

"I, I am the thing that everyone fears."The voice replied.

And that is?

"Black Angel."It replied.

My eyes opened wide in shock.

"Someone you will get close to will see me, meet me, become one with me."Black Angel replied.

Why are you seeing me, then? And telling me?I asked.

"Because."Black Angel said a little irritated."You are just like me.Someone who brings death."Dark Angel said.

(I just realized, it seem a little wearied that I'm saying their names when they talk.And that I'm actually naming them.Black Angel is similar to a guardian angel just, an evil version)

That's impossible.Im just another normal girl that's stuck in this death game.I said.

"You are just like me, yet we are different.Light surrounds you.And I intend to destroy all the light that you have protecting you so that I can host you and leave darkness in my wake."Black Angel said.

"But, beware, because others who follow me do not like my idea and will try to kill you, my soon to be hostess."Black Angel said.

Then, all I heard was silence.

"Kira, Kira."A voice said, shaking me gently.

I groaned.

"Hwaaa?"I asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

I looked up to find Dina looming over me.

"Are you okay?"She asked.

"Yeah."I said, rubbing my aching head."I guess."I said.

"Well, this nice young man help restore your HP."Dina said.

I stiffened with terror.I looked up and say a teen with jet black hair and deep brown eyes.

"Hello, Kira, nice to finally meet you."He said with a toothy smile that sparkled." I'm glade that we met, this will be fun."He said.

A/N:Happy New Years!!! It officially 2015!!! Have a good year!!!

Twin Swords (Sword Art Online FanFic) [In Editing]Where stories live. Discover now