Anvesha just hummed looking at him curiously as he asked, “Do you know about Abhigyan Shakuntalam?”

“The love story of king Dushyant and Shakuntala”, Anvesha retorted to which Adhyayan nodded in affirmation and continued, “The beautiful story written by Kalidas is set up at Kanvashram. Bharat, their son, after whom our nation is named as Bharatvarsha was born here”.

“This is so interesting. The place seem to be hidden gem.” Anvesha remarked to which Adhyayan said, “The anecdotes of this place are found in Indika too”, referring to the book written by Greek ambassador, Magesthenese who attended the royal empire of Chandragupta Maurya.

“Wow!” Anvesha commented enthusiastically looking forward to visit the place.

Adhyayan just chuckled as he told, “You know this place had seen its downfalls too. It was looted and plundered by the Mughals while British hunted here killing the innocent animals before independence.”

“That was the saddest era of Indian history”, Anvesha mumbled sighing as her heart bled with the thought of some barbarians plundering into the lives of innocent villagers and some hooligans killing clueless wild animals for fun.

“Then the hunter Jim Corbett came here in this biodiversity-rich region for hunting on one fine day. Instead of hunting and taking innocent lives, he devoted his life for protecting the indigenous people of this region.” Adhyayan told Anvesha and she smiled in return.

“This is how Kanvashram found its place in the map of India”, Adhyayan said as he parked the car. As the saga of glorious Kanvashram ended, the couple reached the destination.

The couple practically spent their entire day sightseeing Kanvashram. From appreciating the natural beauty of Shestradhar to exploring the ancient ruins of Rajdarbar, the couple enjoyed it all. Around four in the afternoon, the headed back towards the town and Anvesha chose to drive this time.

“So it is time for my fantasy”, Adhyayan said sheepishly winking towards Anvesha who was at the driving seat. Anvesha flustered as she glared at him and he just chuckled.

The couple reached the Tip N Top, the small hilltop sunset point of Lansdowne as Adhyayan instructed her the way. Climbing a short trek energetically, Adhyayan and Anvesha reached the destination at the right time.

The sun was just about the set and the skyline with hues of red, orange, pink and purple along with orange-red sun was truly magnificent.

At the height of above 2000 meters above sea level, as the board read, Adhyayan and Anvesha admired the splendid snow-clad Trishul and Chaukhamba peaks of the Garhwal Himalayas with binoculars. The glorious setting sun as it hid behind the lofty mountains hypnotized Anvesha and Adhyayan in its spellbinding picturesque.

Once the sun was set, the chilly breeze blew in the air as the clouds began descending downwards. It seemed as if a soft cotton blanket was enveloping the horizon from the orange-pink sky that was soon turning dark. The couple was relishing coffee at a rooftop café appreciating the beauty of the sun silently. Through unspoken words, their hearts were communicating with overwhelming emotions.

“Anvesha, my other fantasy was relishing the sunset here with you”, Adhyayan said breaking the silence.

Anvesha could not help but admire the man sitting in front of her who never left a chance to make her feel special. Smiling at him, she said, “Your cute fantasies are a reason for me being truly and madly in love with you, Mr. Joshi. It was an amazing experience.”

“I have few wild ones too, Ms. Chatterjee. I am sure you will love them too.” Adhyayan said teasing her as he leered at her beautiful facial features and winked at her.

Laughing out hard, Anvesha, who had turned crimson, exclaimed, “You are impossible!”

The couple shared a great laugh together as they began descending the hilltop in the dark. Their final destination was the mall road where they strolled aimlessly enjoying the serene environment of central marketplace.

Relishing upon the steaming hot momos at one of the cozy diners in the chilly weather, the couple decided to call it a day as they finally headed towards the resort they were staying at.


Hi everyone

Here's the new chapter of the story.😘😘😘😘

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Fantasties aren't needed to be physically intimate, right 😂

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