Chapter 3

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Jessica's Pov

I kicked and screamed as he dragged me behind an abandoned building. Fear gripped me and all i could think about is my Nayah. I cant die and leave her in this world alone. Her father already left her. She cant loose her mom too. I cant have her grow up without me. Tears sprung to my eyes as i thought about her and wondered what was gonna happen to me but that did not stop me from screaming my head off and fighting like hell. I refuse to go down without a fight.

Well lets just say the screaming was affecting the bastard so he punched me twice to my mouth to shut me up and guess what, it worked. I became so afraid and my body felt drained from all the fighting. I regretted not accepting the ride from that guy. I mean how much worse could it have possibly been? Atleast if he tried to rape me i would not be too upset because... did i mention he was finnnnneeeeeeeee as hell!!?? Oh well i didnt go with him and now here i am about to be raped and heaven knows what else and all i could do with the little energy i have left, is cry and pray to God for help.

Just as he pulled out his awfull and extremely smelly stick and tried to pry my leggs open, he was dragged off of me by the beautiful specimen i refused a ride from. Or wait, could it be an angel 🤔. Ok no he his punching away at that horrible man and an angel wouldnt do that right?? Whatever, the point is, he saved me, however, the pain in my mouth from the punches and my head that the ass forcefully slammed to the ground, became intense and i just could not help the whimpers that escaped my swollen lips. That must have grabbed the angel's attention and he looked back at me, which resulted in my worst nightmare running off.

As he began walking towards me, a thought crossed my mind. What  if he just got rid of that guy so he can have his way with me instead? I began to panic and drift back. My actions caused him to pause his movements as he i assume, studied me a bit and then started to wlk again.

Zayne's Pov

I am not here to hurt u. I just wanna help. Please let me help you this time.
She stared at me while she was curled up against the wall. It appears she was studying me to see if i was being truthful. I slipped off my jacket and put it around her as it began to rain. With her permission, i lifted her into my arms and took her to my vehicle being careful when putting her down because heaven knows how bad is the pain he inflicted on her.

Before driving off i asked if she was ok. She hesitantly nodded her head. I then went on to ask directions to her home and upon receiving that, i drove off.  She began to sneeze alot so i lowered the AC and cracked open the windows a little. After a few minutes, she slowly drifted off to sleep and in that moment, i knew she trusted me to take her home safely. I made her feel safe again.

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