Chapter 2

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Pepper has been now been with for about a few months and Willa has attached herself to Pepper. Pepper has learned rather quickly that Tony is what she read about.

She felt bad for Willa cause Willa always goes to Tony's lab door and just sits outside the door. She can be there for hours if Pepper didnt start taking her places.

The two did everything together and now Willa follows Pepper around everywhere. She has become Pepper's little helper.

"Hey Willa Im gonna go take your dad his paper work and then we'll go from Ice Cream. Can you wait here for me?" Pepper asks.

"Okay. I'll wait right here." Willa says.

Pepper walked down to Tony's lab as Willa sat at the door. She was waiting when the front door opened and Obadiah walked in.

"Hello Willa. Where..." Obadiah says.

"Go away from me." Willa says and backed away from him.

"Your a weird kid." Obadiah says.

"And your a bad man." Willa says.

He looked down at the four year old and laughed. Then he got down to her level and put his hand on her shoulder.

"That random judgment thing you have is nothing. Dont say things you dont understand." Obadiah says.

His grip on her shoulder was tight and she tried to get of his grip, but he had a wicked look on his face and Willa wanted to cry.

"Whats going on here?" Happy asks entering the house.

"Happy!" Willa yells.

She got out of Obadiah's grip and went over to him and Happy picked her up shielding her from Obadiah.

"He held my shoulder tight. It hurt." Willa says.

"She's lying." Obadiah says.

"Who's lying?" Tony asks exiting his lab with Pepper.

"Your daughter. You should watch out for that right now its a little white lie. So she'll be lying all the time. You wouldnt want that." Obadiah says.

Tony looked over at Obadiah and then at his daughter who looked scared.

"You know Mr.Stark I promised Willa i would take her out for alittle while. She's been cooped up all day. So why dont you and Mr.Stain can work." Pepper says.

She walked over to Happy and reached out for Willa. Willa went to her and they walked out of the mansion. Pepper got Willa into the car and buckled her up.

"I dont like him either kid." Pepper says.

"He called me a liar. Will Daddy believe him?" Willa asks.

"I dont think so sweetie. Ready for Ice Cream?" Pepper asks.

"Yeah!" Willa said excitedly.

Pepper took Willa for Ice Cream as planned and then for a walk in a park near by. Willa took Pepper's hand and she was happy. She liked Pepper she hoped one day maybe she could be her new mom.

"Hey Pepper?" Willa questions.

"Yeah sweetheart?" Pepper questions.

"You believe me right?" Willa says and stops walking.

"Yes I do. I promise your dad and I wont let anything bad happen to you. Neither will Rhodey or Happy." Pepper says.

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