The bakery scene

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You slowly opened the book unsure of what was ahead of you. "Go on....."  Josuke said lightly nudging your shoulder. "I am..!" You say a bit more flustered than you'd like to admit. (Dammit! I just know Rohan probably used our moment at the bakery to help write his manga! He's made intimate moment out of our more mundane encounters..what's he going to write in this one!!!?) you think as you turn the pages slowly hardly able to focus on the writing because of how nervous were. "Hey that street looks so familiar!" Okuyasu blurts out as he points to a panel on the left page. You feel your heart skip a beat as you quickly realized the resemblance to one of the streets that one  would take  to reach the bakery. Josuke leans in closer. "You're right Okuyasu..this does look quite familiar..hmm but I can't put my finger on where it leads...say (y/n)...why don't you turn the page so we can find out?" Josuke says with an almost smirk.  You stifle a growl as you turn the page to reveal the building you knew would be on the big upper right panel, none other than the very same bakery you and Rohan met up at. Josuke's eye brows furrow a bit and you could tell that he was beginning to catch onto what he was seeing. You gulp and with each page turn you felt your heart jump as you waited in anticipation for what was yet to come. With one more page turn your doppelgänger manga caricature seated across from the love interest who looked suspiciously like Rohan. It seemed Josuke had an internal revelation as he looked at the panel. "Wait this is! The time I caught you and Rohan meeting at the bakery!" Josuke blurted our really loudly. Okuyasu looks over to you. "You and Rohan went to a bakery together" Okuyasu said raising a brow. "Yeah they did..! " Josuke said with a smirk on his face as he turn to you. "Let's see how the manga explains your story (y/n)" Josuke said playfully as he turned the page for you. As you read the manga you feel your face grow hotter as Josuke and Okuyasu looked over your shoulders witnessing everything that happened at the bakery between you and Rohan. (Ugh he exaggerates everything!!) you think as you recall that he merely wiped the extra whipped cream off your face, he in fact, did not lick it off your face. (Ugh they are going to think that actually happened!!) you think as you shakily turn the page feeling josuke's and Okuyasu's stares on your neck. "Wow really seems like you guys are pretty close..." Josuke says pointing the male character. "That's not Rohan!" You say a bit loud and flustered. "Really.? That's not Rohan..could have fooled me with that crop top..." Josuke says with a chuckle. "Next you're going to tell me that this character isn't you.." Josuke says as he laughs. "'s just really looks like me that's all! I'm his muse!" You say trying to get Josuke of your track. "Hmm fine" Josuke says although it was obvious to you that he didn't buy your story, nonetheless you turn the page. On the next page the male character leaps from his seat and looks out the window. Josuke reads the following part out loud, "ugh I can't have him seeing me here..and his hair is ugly?!" Josuke says telling the last part out loud. "HEY THATS ME!! That's from when I thought I saw you!!" Josuke tells out as he points to a silhouette in the window that obviously had his haircut. You gulp and bite your inner cheek trying not to laugh as you knew by now how much Josuke prized his hair. "There's no way that's not me.. there's no way that's not Rohan..and there's no way that's not you!" Josuke said still a little bit loud as he pointed to your doppelgänger. Josuke seemed even more convinced now that Rohan drew him into his manga. "Whatever lies after this page I'm going to take as fact!" Josuke says a bit loudly as he was still angry about Rohan dissing his hair. (What no I can't have him having that mentality about the manga!!!) you think as you felt your stomach fill with butterflies.  (I really hope Rohan didn't put anything too exaggerated!!) you mentally pray as you turn the page. You scan the page recalling when the two of you hid under the table together, as you scanned the page you spotted several Doki doki around the characters, which wasn't too far from the truth, you could feel each others heartbeats pretty well as you were both back to back.  As you turned the pages it seemed like nothing too spectacular was going to happen, but that didn't mean that josuke's warning didn't echo through your head. Whatever Rohan but on these pages was as good as fact to Josuke and you knew it would be a bitch to convince him otherwise. You turn the page feeling that your worst fears may be avoided as the manga only had three pages left. Once you turned the page however, you found that there was one big panel on the two pages, each panels having the two main characters slowly turning their heads to face each other. You freeze as you felt your nerves get the better of you. (What's Rohan having them do?!) you think as josuke's warning echoes through your head once more. "Just turn it it's the last page!" Josuke said as he turned it for you. Once he did the whole room fell silent as all of you stared blankly at the scene before you. "YOU GUYS KISSED?!" Josuke yell out really loud. You turn beet red as your eyes focus in on the last panel which displayed a passionate kiss between the two characters.  Josuke then turns to you looking a bit more understanding. "So you guys are dating..right." Josuke says blushing a little. "What I told you before was the truth! I'm just the muse for these works of his!" You say flustered. Josuke rolls his eyes. "Okay I'd believe that bit if the male character didn't almost exactly resemble himself! Maybe you haven't read Rohan's other works..but this is really different from him.." Josuke says. "What do you mean?" You ask never having thought of Rohan's other works now that you think of it. "Well for starters he never plugged himself into any
Of his other works, and this is his first shoujo manga, which now that I think of really strange..Koichi told me Rohan stayed in a panel that he would be writing another shonen it was a big shock to the manga community when he published a shoujo out of nowhere...or at least that's what my friend Koichi says..I don't really follow all of that stuff. "But that's why I refuse to believe that Rohan's not dating you!"Josuke says as he points at you and lightly boops your nose.  You blush. "We aren't!" You say closing the manga on his finger. "Well maybe you will be soon" Okuyasu says finally chiming in. You both turn your heads in surprise as Okuyasu didn't usually say anything about this sort of thing. "What do you think
This manga is about then Okuyasu?" Josuke says genuinely intrigued. "Well I. Maybe...never mind it's probably stupid.." Okuyasu says stopping. "Dude no spit it out!" Josuke says as he jumps onto Okuyasu. "Alright fine!" Okuyasu says laughing a little. "Maybe we're looking at this manga the wrong do I put this...maybe this is Rohan's way of showing (y/n) how he feels about them.." Okuyasu says. "Nah I don't know..never mind...I'm probably wrong." Okuyasu says immediately going back on what he said. You feel your heart skip a beat as you think about Okuyasu's observation, even though you tried to full heartedly believe that you were nothing more that a muse at Rohan's disposal, it really did seem like he was writing this entire series to you. "I don't know man..does Rohan really ever think that much about someone else..?" Josuke says. "Whatever it is ..the next manga Rohan writes will help it become more clearer...still think you guys are totally dating though ! Byeeee~" Josuke says as he and Okuyasu leave. Once they leave you fall back onto the bed and re-read the manga from start to finish.  (Gosh what is he getting at adding a kiss scene! Now Josuke thinks we're dating..and surprisingly Okuyasu's theory really makes me this really Rohan's way of reaching out to me? He's just so different in person..oh I'm so confused..) you think as you lay down and hold the book close to your chest. (Oh what am I going to do about Josuke..he believes we're dating..and after that kiss scene..there's no way I can convince him we're I don't even the answer myself!) you yell at your self mentally as you planted your face into a pillow.

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