I Want You Too 🔞

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Not light smut this time 😅 sorry for possible mistakes, author has quite weak heart and wasn't able to re-read many times 😳

Zhan get off from the car and opened the door for Yibo too. Yibo held his hand walking together towards his house.

"don't you want to come back? live with me and Yanli again?"

"no" pouted Yibo "it's dangerous, i need to sleep well but you in next room, how is that possible?"

"You're right, in that case i can't guarantee your safety" laughed Zhan and pulled Yibo closer, biting his lips "go in or i'll eat you right here"

"save your energy" hit Yibo his nose and was going to leave when his stare froze on someone "mom?"

"come in, you both" said Ms Wang, glaring at them.

Zhan was sitting next to Yibo, looking like punished pupil in front of his teacher, Yibo noticed his shaking legs and held Zhan's hand tightly comforting him

"so when it started? i mean your relationship"asked Ms Wang

"when Yibo moved at my house, honestly i couldn't imagine this was going to happen but actually who plans falling in love? there is no way you can avoid loving this adorable creature. promise i'll always treasure and protect Yibo. please give us your approve" Zhan smiled and looked at blushing Yibo

"i know how precious my boy is, that is why i'm worrying, are you sure your love is serious?"

"we're" answered Yibo "it's so long time already i love him mom and i'm sure about his feelings too. Zhan is the only one i can be happy with, i know it's hard for you to understand cause we're both men but..."

"the only thing that matters for me is only your happiness Yibo, if you want only him what can i say more. But it won't be easy and you have to be ready for hardships too.

"Yes we know aunt"

"i have one more important question, are you using protection?"

"mom" Yibo shouted so aloud, Zhan jumped on his chair "what are you talking about?"

"what did i say weird?"

Zhan couldn't stop himself but laugh, same was for Ms Wang. she petted Zhan's hand and sweetly talked to him "i know you're serious and decent man, i trust you but if you make my Yibo cry we're going to fight ok?"

"i won't never" Zhan nodded to her and got up "thank you so much aunt... no mom, may i take him on the date this weekend? he'll be totally safe next to me"

"sure, you have my permission"

"what about dad?"

"don't worry, i'll talk to him"

"ok thanks mom" Yibo dragged Zhan outside, unable to calm down "i was too nervous"

"think i still can't feel my legs" laughed Zhan "but everything is very good now, i have approve for date and something else too" before yibo could protest Zhan quickly kissed his lips and ran to his home. Yibo looked down at his mobile and opened the new message "i'll pick you up tomorrow morning, sweet dreams puppy love you"

💘BF FOR GEGE💘 (ZHAN💘YI) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now