Chapter 19: And I quote...

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Because of me?" Amatsuki furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "I don't follow. Please explain."

"W-well... after all of this happens, you said you'd release us... A-and that's really soon... So I was wondering what would happen with you and Kashitaro-san..." Sou said as his voice got quieter and quieter after every sentence.

Amatsuki's face reddened slightly as he heard the blonde's reason.

"Y-You don't have to worry..." Amatsuki said shyly as he looked away, trying to hide his blush. "The both of us... talked..."

"Really?! You guys did? Did you confess?" Sou asked curiously as he stepped closer without knowing that he invaded Amatsuki's personal space yet again.

Amatsuki stepped away a little, his face now a bright red.

"I-I did..." he mumbled with a soft smile as he remembered the time he had just spent with the older brunette. "We're together now..."

"That's great! I'm happy for the two of you!" Sou exclaimed before he realized that he got too excited and quickly apologized before stepping away again.

"Thank you..." Amatsuki said, embarrassedly and he turned away yet again.

"A-ah! W-we still need to make that call, don't we?" Sou asked when he remembered the actual reason they were here.

"Yeah," Amatsuki said before taking a deep breath to calm himself. "We'll go to the tree first, then we can make that call. Just a little bit more until we're there."

"In the meantime..." Amatsuki said with a teasing grin, his composure returning. "How is you and that actor?"

"Me and... E-eve-san? Sh-shiro-san, there is really nothing that happened... W-we are just talking with each other once in a while," Sou told him as a blush settled on his face.

"Hm~ You sure?" Amatsuki teased, his grin not disappearing. "You're blushing."

"B-b-because Shiro-san s-surprised me is all!" the younger male defended himself and he wanted nothing more than to just hide his face behind his hands, which wasn't possible because he was cuffed.

"Really~ Is that it?" Amatsuki hummed before poking Sou's cheek playfully. "So, if someone else had a crush on Eve and would confess to him, you would be fine with that?"

Sou flinched as he blushed even more and just wanted to go into a corner to hide there from the brunet. He really wanted nothing more than to disappear right now.

"I-if Eve-san decided to get someone, I-I wouldn't stop him," Sou answered, which was the truth but still didn't mean that he wouldn't be heartbroken if that happened.

"So, it's totally fine if Eve gets someone else other than you?" Amatsuki said with a pout. "Are you really going to leave things like that?"

"Y-yes... Eve-san deserves someone who is in the entertainment business like him... I-I'm fine with it if Eve-san decides to get someone as a lover," Sou muttered out quietly with a sad tone. "I-I mean I'm only an outsider after all, a-a stranger. I-I'll support any relationship that he decides to get into. B-because I respect him."

Amatsuki sighed.

This blonde was seriously hopeless when it came to his own love story. He flicked the boy's forehead.

"Why are you doing this to yourself Sou?" Amatsuki said, exasperated. "You said it before right? Give yourself a chance. Talk to him. Giving up is a no. So why not try talking it out first?"

Hearing his own words being used for himself now made the younger male laugh slightly as he nodded.

"You're right. I will maybe do that then," the blond novelist said.

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