The Story Of Shwimmie Fish Shwimkins

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Shwimmie was a narwhal. He had the kickass facial horn and everything. One day, Shwimmie was shwimming through the Blub-Blub Ocean, his narwhal tail flapping in exitedness. Shwimmie shwam for hours on end, looking for his fishmate. That was when he met Shwimmet. Shwimmet was looking for her fishmate as well, so she was delighted when she saw him. "Hai! I'm Shwimmet! What's your name?" "Oh hai! I'm Shwimmie! Wanna go on a date? I know this great humanfood place!" He says, beaming. She nods and they shwim to the humanfood place. Shwimmet orders the human leg and Shwimmie orders the human arm. They eat and chat about fishlitics and the fishernments plan to stop all fishmanity in the world. After a while they finish eating and they leave, after paying the gill, of course. They shwim along the banks, telling eachother of their hopes and dreams for their future. "I hope to have 3 gupples." Shwimmet states, her flippers flapping slowly. "Me too! We should get married!" Shwimmie says. "YAAAAAAAAAS!" Shwimmet says and they high-flipper. They get married and have 3 gupples. Shwim, Shwam and Shwum. They live fishily ever after with their 3 gupples



The Story Of The Narwhal: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now