After a couple more songs played Jo tried to gain Megs attention towards the door - becoming tired of the evenings loop. Another song started up ending her attempt at anything to do with gaining the eldest March's attention.
The air started to feel thick surrounded by all these people. Meeting Jo's gaze she mouthed she would be right back, which only got her a flustered frown in return.

Pushing off the door frame, Aurelia did her best to avoid bumping into the numerous bodies that seemed so content on being crammed in the entry way. Her destination was at the end of the hall, the front door, in hopes for some fresh air.

Reaching the door, she practically threw herself out it - the peacefulness of the night hitting her all at once. It was nice change from the noise the poured from the house behind her. Looking towards the sky, the March girl admired how the moon illuminated over the forestry the surrounded the house, and all the stars that sparkled around it.

Inhaling the brisk air, the girl sighed turning back towards the house before reentering. She would've liked to stay outside for the rest of the evenings festivities, but thought better of leaving Jo by herself in a place she already didn't want to be. However the moment she reached the main room, the March girl in fiery red was no longer leaning against the door frame.

Scanning the room Aurelia was unable to catch a glimpse of her. Instead she found a limping Meg heading towards her. Meeting her halfway, she swung an arm around her upper back for support.

"I've twisted my ankle, Jo should be meeting us at the door" she stiffled, hopping along side her sister.

"If you would've worn the other s-" she began

"Not now Lia, please" the older March cried, Jo coming into view, accompanied by a boy as they reached the door. It'd be a lie if Aurelia mentioned that she didn't notice the curly haired boy right away, for he caught her eye before the pairs even reached each other.

Jo approached the pair, the nameless boy trailing curiously behind her.

"What-" the fiery girl began, being cut off by Meg.

"I've sprained my ankle" she stated plainly wrapping her other arm around Jo's shoulders. "How am I going to get home?" She sighed.

"Well, I don't see what you can do excerpt get a carriage or stay here all night" Jo spoke causally as the three continued walking towards the door.

"I'd whisk you home with one of my piggy backs, but you told me it wasn't 'ladylike'" Aurelia mumbled earning a glare from the injured March girl.

The March sister in red tilted her head, as if she were thinking the younger march's offer over. "That could work" she whispered, which only got a head shake from Meg in return.

"Anyways, carriages are too expensive" Meg spoke, defeat anchored in her voice. From the corner of her eye, Aurelia saw the boy lean forward so he was within view point of the middle girl.

"Well, let me take you. It's right next door" he chimed. He spoke with such grace, Aurelia almost tripped over her own feet. She opened her mouth the accept, the offer seemed genuine enough. Besides if he was with Jo, he must not have much of an interest in these events either.

Before she could get the words out Meg quickly rejected, going on about she didn't want to pry him away from the nights festivities at such an early hour. However he quickly dismissed the idea, enlightening the girls on how he always leaves early- which lead to Jo accepting the invitation on behalf of the eldest girl- even with her doubtful demeanour. Either way, she didn't protest anymore and just sent looks of disbelief between Jo and Aurelia, who smiled shyly.

As they waited while the boy gathered his carriage, the March girl had discovered that he was Mr.Laurence's grandson, Theodore. The three girls stood and waited patiently, still supporting the older sister with their upper arms.

The winter's breeze was refreshing - a well appreciated change from the thickness of the party that still roared behind them. The wind nipped away at Aurelia's skin, tinting her nose a light pink and whisking strands of hair against her cheeks. Unlike her sisters, you could say the girl had dressed unprepared for the nights cold. Aside from her dress, she was accompanied by her cloak. Whereas both Jo and Meg where snuggled with scarves and hats, with woollen gloves to fight the chances of frostbite. 

After a few quick moments a carriage came into view accompanied by none other than Mr.Theodore himself.  It stopped just beyond their feet, the boy hopping out allowing the girls to shuffle in. The door shut smoothly, Jo and Meg on one side and Aurelia and Mr. Theodore on the other. It seemed like a simple carriage, but the detailing inside that wrapped it's ceiling caught the younger March's eye. The shade's of pink that scattered the boy's face was among the many things that the girl had taken a notice too on the ride.

"It's a lovely carriage you have Mr.Laurence, such fine details" The girl spoke, gesturing to the interior of the space in an attempt to break the falling silence. Smiling, he nodded gazing over the parts of the carriage she pointed at.

"I suppose it is-" he began turning to meet her face, "and please, call me Laurie". Which was followed by another small smile, and the tip of her head.

For the rest of the ride Aurelia kept her gaze out the window, she couldn't see much due to the dark that had fallen upon them rather quickly. Black replacing the colours that once painted the sky, merely hours before. However the girl still peered out, following the faint lines of the horizon and the reflection of the moon.

ETERNITY {Little Women}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora