Part 7:The Accident

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Chapter Seven:The Accident

Previously on the Virginian Boy...

You guys do a few more rounds and it all leads up to this one. You spin the bottle and it once more lands on Jacob. You sigh and ask, "Whats the punishment?" "You have to...

The Present...

"You have to lose you virginity tonight." You yell at them with a very very angry tone, "No I am 16 and I can not get pregnant." they smiled and said, "Well then I guess that we will have to tell the school about what happened earlier." you nervously laugh before you grabbed Jacobs hand and walk to his car.

"What are you doing Y/N?" "We are going home." you get into the car and Jacob drives you home. You walk inside and Jacob lays beside you and puts his arms around you.

You wake up at like three in the morning to a text that reads, "Well did you guys do it?" from Mattie. "NO" you send back then throwing your phone across the room. You fall back asleep. Once again you wake up to a phone call, "MATTIE STOP I AM NOT GOING TO DO IT!!!"

"Y/N, I was in a car accident." Jacob says before you realize that he is not laying next to you anymore. You rush to the hospital. When you get there you tell the receptionist lady, "I need to see Rolf Jacob Sartorius." she tells you, "Calm down he is in room 308." "Thank you." you run to the room and see him look over at you. "Hey babe, i'm going to be fine." you run up to him and hug him hard.

About 13 hours later Jacob is not injured at all accept for a few cuts and bruises. You drive him home and lay in bed with him. You hear a knock at the door. "I'll get it babe." you tell him. You go to the door and open it. Oddly enough its Mattie and Nathan. "Is Jacob okay? We heard about the accident." "Jacob is fine you guys can go home and have your fun." you say closing the door.

Mattie takes you by the hand and puts you in her car. You try to get out but Mattie locks the doors. You wait until she is getting her seat belt on to get out of the car. You run in the house and get Nathan out. You lock all of the windows and all of the doors quickly. You go to Jacobs room to tell him that you guys are okay and that they can't get in.

When you walk in you see Jacob in nothing but his boxers. You tilt your head at him....

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