"Is that my car? What did you do to my car?" Beverly came up to him with raised eyebrows, ready to fight the hell out of him, "You are going to fix this."

"I am sorry, of course, I will fix it," He apologized, nodding as she placed her hands on her hips, waiting, "What?.... Now?"

"Did you not hit it now?" She responded simply, "Fix it, now."

He chuckled humorlessly, "But that will take time. I will come by to take it later...I am Diego."

"Oh, hi Diego. That doesn't fix things," Beverly crossed her arms, shaking her head, "I can't drive around with my car looking like this. Your car presents you, which is not that correct in your case," She stopped, looking at his car which was a black jeep, "This can't be your car."

"It isn't," Diego nodded, pausing, "Ah...it's my friend's, Look, lady—" She cut him off mid-sentence.

"—Well, not only do you not know how to drive but you steal cars, too," Beverly concluded, crossing her arms, "Wonderful," She clapped her hands, giving him a sickeningly sweet smile, one she would usually force in front of everyone so she wouldn't frown and ruin her face's look.

"I am about to get an Expresso—" Beverly stated before Diego interjected.

"—Thanks, you don't have to get me one."

She raised an unimpressed eyebrow and continued to cross her arms, "Of course I don't have to, you ruined my car. As I was saying, I am about to get an Expresso, it will take five minutes. I expect my car without a scratch by then," Beverly finished smiling before she made her way into the cafe, leaving a quite shocked Diego out, shifting from one foot to another.

The blonde was ticking her fingernails on the counter impatiently. Not only did she have to live in a too crowded for her liking city, but now some dumb vampire ruined her perfectly painted and specially designed for her car. That day couldn't get worse.

Rather than smiling gratefully as the waiter gave her the Expresso with a smile, Beverly huffed out rolling her eyes before she made her way outside, sipping on her beverage to calm her nerves and think of other ways for the current situation, that didn't include snapping the vampire's neck.

"You didn't fix it," She stated patronizingly, nodding to herself, "Lovely, where's the police station, here?"

Diego didn't get to reply as another voice joined in, "There won't be much need for that."

"Why? You will magically fix what he did?" Beverly asked, crossing her arms as she turned to look at the dark-skinned man who had joined in, judging by his style he was probably the one the car Diego drove belonged to, in the first place, "I don't care what you do but I can't drive around with what's left of my car that your blind friend ruined."

"Look, hon, we will fix it in a few, no need for the empty threats," He assured her, smiling lightly but unconvinced gaze didn't drop as she raised an eyebrow as if telling him, "really"? "I am Marcel Gerard, you have heard me, yes?"

"No, didn't have the misfortune," Beverly took in a deep breath before handing him her car keys, "Look, take this," She put it in his hand, closing his finger on it then opened her palm out, "Now give me yours."


"I will be moving with your car until you fix mine and when it's done then," She paused, taking his phone from his other hand as she, very casually, wrote in her number, "You will call me."

"Alright, fair...," Marcel nodded, trailing off with a raised eyebrow as he had yet to know her name.

"Beverly, Beverly Hills," She smiled, introducing herself as he handed her his car keys. The blonde then opened her car door, getting out her laptop case before slamming the door shut, grimacing as she passed by her car's windshield.

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