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1) Tag the reviewer you'd like in your form.

2) If you are unhappy with your review, tell your reviewer KINDLY. If you throw any tantrums in the comments section, you will be blocked by both them and the community.

3) The reviewers have the right to decline your request. It may be because they have too much on their plate, they are not comfortable with your book, or something else. Whatever it may be, they are not held to an explanation.

4) Make sure that the Spider you would like is comfortable reviewing your kind of book (The password is Cricket!).

5) When/if your reviewer accepts your request, go ahead with their payment right away.

6) Before you request, follow this account, vote on this chapter once you've done it (so we know who you are) and give one of our books a shout on on your message board. IT DOES NOT NECESSARILY HAVE TO BE THIS ONE. But it can be if you like.

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