buffy and spike and angel script

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Some of this may not make sense but oh well

SPIKE: I am creeping in bitch

ANGEL: oh yeah bring it on spike

BUFFY: stop before I kick both your asess

SPIKE: fine

ANGEL: fine but only because I love you buffy

SPIKE : I love her to

ANGEL: no you don't spike I do

BUFFY: OK spike I love you to


ANGEL. : Hey

BUFFY : I loved you once angel not now

ANGEL : why

BUFFY : because you left and geuss what spike didn't do leave

SPIKE : ha big angel man not so big now are ya because ya heart is Brocken by a girl

ANGEL : shut up Blondie

BUFFY : shut up angel

ANGEL : so let me get this straight he can insult me but I can't insult him back

BUFFY : no that's not how it is he can say what he wants just like you just you both can't use violence

ANGEL : why

SPIKE : yeah why

BUFFY : because that is my job

SPIKE : that's my girl

BUFFY : thanks very much you really do make the happiest girl in your world

( buffy thraus her steak behind her it hits a vampire in the heart then grabs it out of the vampire before it turns into dust )

BUFFY : and that's what makes me the error vampire slayer in the world well also the only vampire slayer in the world cos willows spell whore of

SPIKE : you look so hot when you do that

( buffy and spike start to snog )

ANGEL : I am going before I am sick all over you both

SPIKE : why are you leaving angel can't you take that buffy has found someone who is not you

ANGEL : no but at least your not Riley you can protect her unlike Riley she's stronger than him it he milse well have had a five year old looking after her

BUFFY : that's not fair why are you hear any way you said you where leaving for ever

SPIKE : buffy when a guy says he's leaving for ever to the love of their life it means he'll always come back for a visit especially if their a vampire

ANGEL : see even spike knows that and hes only bin with Drusilla and harmony

SPIKE : hey

BUFFY : don't worry baby your with me now and you can use that to make him mad then I can fight him and that will be fun for both of us .

SPIKE : yes I love idea but what will we do after that pet

BUFFY : well you know the answer to that question don't you

SPIKE : yeah I do pet just trying to make tall dark and can't have a girlfriend mad .

BUFFY : oh that works well to .

( Buffy and spike start to kiss and hug and spike has his hands on Buffy's waist )

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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