Chapter one*about me*

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*Meredith's POV*

My name is Meredith Rosie(Rose named me) Cullen(gag). Bella and Edward "made me", but I will never call them my parents. Rose and Emmett are my parents.

 I don't know where my looks come from 'cause honestly, I'm a spitting image of my mom(Rose). I look like I'm 16, while Nes still looks 10. Bella and Edward hate me but they've never laid a hand on me. They know Emmett would beat their butts! 

In case you can't tell, I'm a tiny bit random. I'm a tomboy but girly girl at the same time, ya know? Like one day I love shopping more than Alice, the next, you'd think I'm a boy trapped in a girl's body. I have a mean temper but I'm super caring if I like you. 

Let's get on with the story, shall we? 

*******present time, still Meredith's POV*******
"la la la"
Me and Nessie are playing while Jake watches us. I know everyone hates Jake cause he's a "mutt" but that's like racism, plus I know what its like to be hated. Jake is my best friend(don't worry I know that he's imprinted on Nessie, besides I don't like him like that).
Back to the topic, me and Nessie were singing and dancing around in a meadow. 

Suddenly we hear a noise, we turn and its a woman whose name I believe is Jane. She smiles a sickeningly sweet smile, turns, and runs away. Jake says its time to go home. When we get home everyone besides Mom and Dad run towards us and hugs Nessie for dear life. Mom and Dad come running towards me and hug me. Nessie is confused and asks what is wrong.

"Your selfish sister",Bella hisses spitting out the word sister with disgust,"led the Voltori to us by not hiding you from Jane".
Mom stands up with anger in her eyes, "Meredith has done nothing wrong, you think she did this on purpose?-" 

 "yes",Edward cut her off.

Mom starts again, even more angry than before, " why would she Edward? She's in just as much danger as Nessie!"

By then Jake had already taken Nessie out and shot me a sad 'good luck'/'I'm sorry' look. 

Then,Bella did something I never expected, nor did anyone else in the whole house, even Jake gasped. 

She slapped me, the woman who is supposed to love me no matter what, just SLAPPED me!! Daddy looked ready to kill her, then Jasper sent a wave of peace though out the room, but as normal, it doesn't effect me. I just stand there steaming while Mom and Daddy hold me back and try to soothe me. Everyone leaves them to deal with me but not without a few hateful glares.

I suddenly tell mom," I want to move." 

Mom and Dad look at each other.

I say," y'all would stay here, I've already messed up your family enough."
Mom says," oh sweet heart you didn't mess up this family, they did, but if you want to leave we won't stop you. But promise you will stay in contact with your dad and I."
"I will I promise" is all I'm able to get out before I bust into tears and Mom and Dad are hugging me really tight.
Mom tells me to pack up my stuff and she'll take care of the rest. After I pack I lay on my bed and let darkness consume me.
A/N first chapter, YAY!!!! Also, the cover is how I imagine Meredith

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