『Chapter』 ❴1❵

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My first ever AU! Tell me what you guys think! I'm following the manga btw.

Sorry for the long wait! I'm just gonna remind y'all that I'm updating reaaally slow since I have a life....


Reading fanfictions cause I have a lot unread ones in my library...


WHO'S YOUR BIAS?! I can't really decided which one but If you ask, Imma pick Taehyung, Namjoon and Jungkook...But... I still love all of them though, they deserve the world. UwU


The sound of rapid footsteps crunched against the snow. It was almost the end of winter, signaling the beginning of spring would be arriving sooner than expected.

A young thirtheen years old boy with short raven black hair panted as he quicken his pace, his hanafuda earrings bounced with each step he takes. His golden yellow eyes were full of pain and fear for the unconcious wounded girl his age, he carried with care on his back.

'How can I let this happen?'

The boy blinked the tears threatens to fall from his eyes.

'(Y/n)... Don't die... Please don't die...'

He glanced at the (h/c) haired girl on his back. His breathing turns into puffs of mist from the coldness.

'I'll definitely save you... Don't you dare die on me...'

The girl remained unconcious. He only hoped that he'll be able to get her to a doctor in time.

'You're my best friend... I will definitely save you!'



"Amane. Did you finished your chores?" The raven haired boy turn around to see his mother staring at her with her golden yellow eyes similar to his. She was staring at his sheathed katana sword he was holding. "You're leaving again? You're always out, training."

"I already finished my chores, mother and I have to get stronger." Was Amane's reply. "I want to be strong enough to protect you... To protect, (Y/n)..."

"It's dangerous when the snow is falling." His mother said, full of concern. "It's okay if you don't go. (Y/n) will be here soon, keep her company instead."

"Sensei wouldn't want me to skip, training." Amane said as he tugged on his red and blue haori's sleeves. "And besides, I'm doing this for you."

It's been years since Amane's father died. And since then, it became his responsibility to be the man of the house. Earning a bit of money for him and his mother, since it was now just the two of them. His mother sighed.

"Well it can't be helped, I was just worried for you." She said, holding her son's cheeks. She then wrapped around a red scarf around his neck "You've been working hard, you need to have fun sometimes, you're still a kid after all."

Amane nodded and began walking away. His mother waving at him in which he returned the gesture.

His house was on top of a mountain, complete with a little farm with a few chickens and two cows. The walk down the mountain was silent until someone called him.

|| Demon Slayer Hanako-kun || Yugi Amane x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant