People Can't Imagine That Which They Don't Know

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Hak headed her way, holding a bug in his right hand. "Is that the second son?" Yoon asked. I nodded, standing straight and walking over with Yona and Kija.

Since he was free, Yoon went back to his work. I stopped just beside Yona as Hak let go of Tae-Jun. He has a large bundle in his arms and it smells really good. Must be food. "Yo, Second Son." I held my hand up in a half ass wave.

"You're here again?" Yona asked curiously. Tae-Jun nodded quickly, a light blush on his face. "I am visiting today to . . ." The longer he stared at Yona the redder he became. He began to fidget with his hands. "U-u-u-um to give you a gift." He began, his voice becoming harder to hear.

What is with this young love thing?

I picked up the bundle and began to investigate it. Like I thought, food. Hak peered at it over my shoulder and plucked up one of the delicious looking foods. "White Snake, open your mouth." He demanded.

Kija didn't really think of it, he did as he said and opened up, allowing Hak to toss the food into his mouth. "How is it?" I asked curiously.

Kija's eyes lit up a bit as he munched on it. "It's really delicious. It's light but it has a deep flavor that lingers inside your mouth, faintly like spring."

I sweat dropped, glancing at my brother. "What does spring taste like?" I asked him, but he just shrugged and grabbed the food from me, going to Yona. "Okay. You can eat it Princess."

I reached over and snatched one up, plopping it in my mouth as Yona admired the delicacy. "I'm delighted, thank you." She beamed at TaeJun, who turned impossibly redder. He then began to twirl around, like he's off in la la land.

Jeez, what a weirdo.

Yona turned to some of the villagers, holding the food. "Get in line everybody. It's only a little though."

Tae-Jun fell as she began to hand some out. He sprung back up quickly, going to her side. "Princess, I wanted to give that to you." He began, but Yona quickly responded. "They've all had nothing to eat since the morning. So this is helpful."

At her words he took a look around at the villagers who are rather thin, dirty, unhealthy. "Princess, aren't you getting enough to eat?"

She tilted her head to look at him. "Me? I'm fine. I'm healthy. I had the luxury to last anyone a lifetime when I was a child. I've been thinking about it lately. In the extravagant things I had thrown away back then were brought here . . . if that had happened would that have made the country more equal? As if I've come to understand that. Even something like that is not so simple."

At her words, he didn't say anything back. It's not like he could. Very much like Yona, he grew up sheltered. This is probably the first he's seen of his land. Truly see. And that, like Yona, will make him start thinking.

Even as Yona and the others went back to helping the villagers, I kept my eye on the young lord. How a little boy pulled on his sleeve and asked for food for his mother. How Tae-Jun didn't have any, but quickly gave him his water and made promises to bring food tomorrow. How he looked at the ground with this confused expression of conflicted feelings.

He wasn't ignoring it, like all the other rich lords. For once he is actually looking, he is seeing, truly seeing what lies behind the riches and titles. And he's seeing what is going on here with his own two eyes.

True to his word, the next day Tae-Jun returned with more food and supplies. He's really only doing so to please Yona, but the more he comes by, the more he sees the more he's told, I have great faith that he will change.

"What? We got another companion while I was away?" Jae-Ha asked, appearing seemingly out of nowhere between me and Kija. I scratched my head a bit. "I wouldn't necessarily call him that." Kija nodded, pointing an accusatory finger at Tae-Jun as he followed Yona around like a baby duck. "No! That guy is the son of the Fire Tribe Chief! He's our enemy!" He declared.

The Inferno Tornado (Akatsuki no Yona Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt