Chapter 1 "I am a monster"

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POV Ty Lee

Ever since Mai and I left Azula she has been stuck in my head. I don't really know why. She hurt us both. But all three of us were always together. Mai thinks I am just as crazy as her if I miss her. But Azula and I were always just a bit closer. I don't know why. We just, were. I really do want the best for her. Mai and I are actually going out today. Just to a few shops around the city.
"Hey Ty are you ready yet you have been in there for an hour?" Mai asked knocking on the door.
"Yeah. I'm sorry I just got a bit distracted." Ty Lee responded as she opened her door.
"Finally I was getting even more bored then I usually am." She said in her monotone voice. Ty Lee grabbed her bag and they left for the shops.
"Did you hear what's going on with Azula and Zuko?" Mai asked casually.
Ty Lee got very confused but also somewhat excited to hear about how Azula had been.
"No what's going on?" She asked.
"Supposedly they are having one of those Agni Kais or whatever." She said looking at some fruit.
"Oh." Ty Lee said feeling pretty disappointed. "Do you know where?" She asked.
"The capital I think why?" She asked now looking at Ty Lee wondering why she cared so much.
"I don't know. I was just curious I guess." She said smiling that wide smile she always had.
"All pretty boring to me." Mai said returning to being bored and apathetic.
"You are always bored Mai." Ty Lee laughed.
"Whatever. I think we have what we need yeah?" She asked.
"Yep I think so." Ty Lee said with a smile.
They made sure they had everything and left for their house. Mai putting things away and Ty Lee going to her room.

POV Ty Lee

I really hope that Azula will be okay in the agni kai. I never really enjoyed the idea of those. But knowing Azula she was probably excited. I really want to check up on her though. But that is dangerous. When Azula is that angry it is never good to be around especially if you can avoid it. Since we live somewhat close to the capital I wonder if we will see what happens.

Time skip to that evening

Mai and Ty lee were both in their rooms when they saw the blue bolts of electricity in the sky just above the capital. Mai didn't really care. She really just wanted to forget about Azula. Ty Lee however really wanted to see what was happening up close. But she knew that was not a bright idea. These flashes of blue and orange lights continued for about an hour and then they just stopped.

POV Ty Lee

I really want to go see what the capital looks like after the agni kai. Mai will probably be mad that I want to go though. But I can make my own decisions. If i want to see it I will.

Ty Lee quietly opened the door and left. She figured that she will only be gone for a couple minutes. Once she got to the capital she was surprised that all of it was there still. She continued to walk around until she heard yelling. She peaked around the corners and saw Azula chained to a grate.

"Azula?" She whispered to herself. She walked up a bit closer.
"Azula!" She yelled not knowing if she heard her or not.
Azula looked up and saw Ty Lee standing there scared and confused.
"What are you doing here Lee Lee?!" She shouted.
"I could ask you the same question." She responded in a calm voice.
"I said what are you doing here!" Azula shouted even louder.
"I came to see the aftermath. I heard a rumor." Ty Lee said remaining calm still.
"Well you've seen me now leave!" Azula screamed.
"No Azula. Im gonna at least get you unchained first." She said rationally.
"No! Just leave me here. I'm a monster!" She yelled. Tears beginning to stream from her eyes.
"You aren't a monster. I think that you are just hurt." Ty Lee said now with growing compassion for her.
"That's not what she thought." Azula said now a bit quieter.
"Who?" Ty Lee asked her walking a bit closer to her.
"Mother." She said in hysterics.
"Well she was wrong Azula." Ty Lee said now kneeling in front of her.
"How do you know? Everyone I ever loved hates me now. I hurt everyone i meet. That sounds pretty monstrous." She said hanging her head still crying.
"Because i don't hate you Azula. I have thought about you ever since Mai and I left. I love you Azula. You have been my best friend for so long. Sure, I was hurt for a while. But I'm okay now. I think you will heal too." Ty Lee said reaching out and cupping Azula's cheek wiping the tears away.
"Now let's get you untied" She said with her smile that in turn made Azula catch a grin.
"There you go." Ty Lee said with a smile.
"I'm so sorry Lee Lee. I was terrible. I have been terrible. I really do want to get better though." She said sincerely.
"I know Zula. Don't worry. I forgave you a long time ago. Mai however might need some convincing. We live together now in a little house that we are renting. So when we get there she might get a bit mad." She admitted.
"Wait you want me to stay with you?" Azula asked really confused.
"Well yeah. I have missed you a lot Zula. And Im not gonna let you sit out here and freeze." She said giggling.
"Thank you Lee Lee." She said standing up sniffling.
"Of course Zula" Ty Lee said reaching to hold Azula's hand. They walked back to Ty Lee's house.
"Mai! Can we talk?" Ty Lee asked.
Mai walked out of her room and was immediately pissed.
"Why is she here?" Mai asked.
"Listen she doesn't have anywhere else to go Mai. You don't have to talk or anything she can stay in my room. But she just needs to stay for a few days." Ty Lee said convincingly.
"Yeah whatever." Mai said walking back to her room.
Ty Lee rolled her eyes. Then looked over at Azula.
"Well she is no different than I remember." She said laughing.
"Yeah that's very true. Come on it's late. You can go get cleaned up our bathroom is right down the hall." Ty Lee pointed. "Then my room is the room right next to it. You can borrow some of my clothes. And I am going to go to bed" She said yawning.
"Alright. Thank you again Lee Lee. Goodnight." She said hugging her.

Time skip

POV Azula

After I showered I saw Lee Lee asleep. She was always so cute when she slept. I got under the blankets and fell asleep with our backs turned.

A/N I know that was a pretty long chapter. But nonetheless I think it turned out well.

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