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It was getting pretty late, but the boys were STILL playing call of duty on Phinks' PS4. Machi was getting pretty angry at this point, with the shouting and yelling of the boys next door to her bedroom.

"GOD DAMMIT FEI, I SAID DON'T FUCKING SHOOT ME." Phinks screamed, before a crash and then a snicker from Feitan was heard.

Machi peaked her head in through the doorway and sighed disappointingly when she saw the skateboard that Phinks had chucked at Feitan.

"Oh my god, what are you guys doing?" she asked, and the boys looked at her with shock and embarrassment as she witnessed the sight before her.

There was candy all over the ground and Monster cans coating the floor, and there was also 4 or 5 bags of takis and only 1 of them were actually opened.

Chrollo face palmed, "I really didn't mean for it to get this messy in here, but I also didn't really care. Sorry Mach."

Feitan laughed at the statement, "Why are you apologizing to her? You're the boss," he snickered.

Phinks kicked some of the candy and monster cans to the side of the room, and tossed a controller to Machi. She held the controller, and glanced at him with a questioning face.

"I'm not playing with you guys." She said teasingly, and Shalnark grabbed her hands while begging.

"Pleeeease Mach, they're so mean to me!" He begged as he pointed to the three other men, and they looked at him shockingly. It was followed by a bunch of screaming, like "YOU WERE THE ONE FUCKING SHOOTING US!!" (phinks) and "YOU FUCKING PUSSY BITCH" (feitan)

Machi giggled, before walking over to the long PS4 chord and plugging the controller in to connect it.

She got comfortable and began playing Call of Duty with the four boys, and Chrollo was happy that they had all managed to get so close even through their trauma, and he's happy Feitan didn't stay closed off for so long.

He was happy for them. He's happy for what he created, and proud. He felt responsible for the bonds he made.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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