
The twins made it to the courtyard. Severus changed his robes to a black and red T-Shirt with red shorts up to his knees and put his hair up like Reed in order to run better. They looked exactly a like. Both were panting from the adrenaline.

"Now will you tell me what the HELL did you do to make them so made at us?" Sev asked after he caught his breath.

"Remember that charm we put on them that would change their hair color to their least favorite color at a certain time as a prank?" Sev nodded then paled.

"Shit, that one?!" Sev yelled. They both know that Toronto and Alice care a lot about their hair.

"Uh huh. And some more." Reed responded. 

Severus groaned.

Well, their screwed.


"Well, Albus? Where are they?" Asked the male, Toronto. He was fuming. The Hall was silent (for the first time in forever).

Albus, who wanted to humor the 2, pointed at the door from which the twins exited out of. Toronto nodded his head in appreciation and they ran out through the side door. 

"Okay, children, time to go to bed now." Albus finally said.


Severus saw Toronto and Alice rushing at them. He gripped Reed's arm, pulling him along.

Once Reed started running with Sev, Sev let go. 

Rushing at the wall, the twins started to scale the wall swiftly. Once the reached the second floor roof, they took off running across it. Toro and Alice were shooting stunning spells at them. Sev and Reed dodged all of them.

Once they almost reached the end of the roof they looked at eachother then nodded.

In sync, they both did a quick wandless spell.

"Accio LightningBolt!"

Their brooms, which were a new model called LightningBolt (a black broom with blue and some white streaks), zoomed to their hands.

They both jumped off the roof, brooms in hand. Before hitting the ground, they jumped on their brooms and shot upwards, spinning around each other.

They both cheered as they flew downwards, still avoiding spells that Toro and Alice were shooting. They both took something that they made, a firecracker that masks the area with smoke and sparkles.

They kept on swerving around until a spell hit Sev's broom, knocking it out of commission. Sev began to fall to the ground.

The Power of Music (Abandoned and being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now