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"A child's innocence is solely unmatched."

Slowly, her eyes fluttered open, slowly descending into consciousness as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes, the bright sunlight beaming through her curtains.

She looked around her room, he was gone, once again.

"Sweetie? You're up early..." coos ericka as she sits beside her daughter.

"Go don't wanna be late!" She says as maya stands up and gets ready.

After a few minutes of preparing she finally runs downstairs to eat some breakfast.

"Waffles...just the way you like them." Ericka winks as maya sits down and starts taking a bite.

"Do you want me to pick you up from school today?" She asks as maya shakes her head.

"Im going with daddy, mommy." She replies.

"Are you sure?" She asks as maya nods.

"Okay then." Ericka dismisses as she washes the plates.

"Bye mommy!" Maya giggles.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Asks ericka...

"Oh yeah right." Maya giggles again as she hugs her mom.

"Bye sweetie." She smiles as maya runs off.

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