I see you

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July 8 1987

'Dear diary,

Hi! My name's maya, im six years old...mommy got me this diary for my birthday...which was yesterday...but anyways im sooo happy to have this diary...just yesterday i visited daddy in his house, i always wondered why my mommy and daddy don't live in the same house...my friend, sarah's parents do...oh well, mommy always just told me that daddy liked his house and mommy liked hers...and im okay with that, just as long as they're happy, but it was okay, since daddy and me could talk, without ever needing to be in the same room and even without opening our mouths...daddy could also see those 'people' he liked to call them angels...I couldn't see a lot really...i could only see one...and he wasn't too bad...he would protect me, that one time i was riding my bike and i fell, I didn't feel a thing because he saved me...i mostly saw him when i was sleeping or alone in my room, he's a really good person, he was one of the people i could play with, but he told me that nobody was supposed to know that he was here...whenever i asked why he would just ignore me. Anyways, my mom's tucking me in in a few minutes...i'll write again tomorrow!

Love, maya"

Maya wrote as she slaps the book close and puts the pen back in her pencil cup holder...

"Maya! Sweetie its time for bed!" Shouts Erica, her mom as she opens the door.

Maya then scrambled through her bed and laid down.

"Thank you sweetie." Ericka coos as maya giggles.

"Well...you're going to bed okay?" She says before booping her daughter's nose and tucking her in.

"Goodnight maya." She smiles.

"Goodnight mommy." Maya replies as ericka stands back up to close the light and exit the room.

But once she closed the door the man stood there once again...

"Well maya, its about time you rest." Says the man.

"But im not sleepy yet." She whines as the man chuckles.

"Go to bed maya..." the man whispers as she sighs in defeat.

"Alright, alright." She says as she lies down.

Slowly her eyes started to shut, drifting away into deep slumber.

But there he sat, watching her intently.

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