The Fall, Chapter 1.

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King Olly P.O.V

I've been falling for hours, no, days, no, years... i don't know anymore. Ever since that plumber defeated me.... You know what, no, i don't wanna talk about it.

I hit the ground with a thud. "Well, That was anticlimactic." I said.  I got up and everyone seemed... different. No Origami People..

Whatever, it seems i've landed in front of a hotel. Time to go inside...

I Knocked on the door, only to be greeted by a small girl. "Hello, i am King Olly." i decided to introduce myself. The Girl went back inside, and another girl showed up. "King Olly?  you don't look like a King." Said the other girl. she had white hair, and one of her eyes were a pink X. "I don't look like a king? Blasphemy!" i reacted. "Whatever, Charlie! we got another person here!" said the girl.

Yet another girl showed up, she had blonde hair, though it was lighter than mine. "Hello! i am Charlie, and this is-" I silenced her "there is no need for that. i can read."

I walked inside the hotel, only to be face to face with a man. he looked like a radio show host that was around during the 1920's. i think. The Man had Yellow teeth and a big, creepy grin. "Who are you to stand in the way of the Origami King?" i demanded. The man replied, still keeping his big creepy grin, "I am Alastor, the Radio demon." I pondered the thought, and asked, "Wait, am i in Hell?!?!"

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