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Rachel could feel tears rolling down her cheeks,even with her large glasses you could tell she was crying.

"It's okay,I'm sure it's not that bad"

"But it is though,I just don't want the losers to hate me and my parents what are they gonna say"

"Well first of all,the losers won't hate you and secondly,if your parents do flip out at whatever this secret is,you can come and live with me and my aunt"

"I'm sorry I'm not ready to tell you"

"That's fine,whenever your ready"

The previous night

"Mom I'm going to bed"

"Okay,good night,oh and remember me and your father are going on a business trip tomorrow"

"I know"

When she got upstairs,she took a shower and searched the medicine cabinet for the bandages and eventually found them.

Rachel began to rap them around her chest,she smiled at herself because it was starting to appear flatter as it got tighter I got harder to breath but she didn't care.And then just went to sleep.

A/N:please do not sleep in your binders it's dangerous and don't wear them longer than the recommended time period

Present day

The losers were sitting in the clubhouse,Mike on the swing,Bill and Stan on the ground,one reading and the other drawing,Beverly and Ben on the sofa they somehow got underground and Rachel and Eddie were sharing the hammock.

"Hey Rachel,are you ok "Eddie asked

"Why wouldn't I be,spaghetti" she answered with a smirk,looking up from the comic

"Don't call me that"

"You know you love it Ed's"

Eddie just rolled his eyes at the response.

*Time skip because I don't know what to wright*

Rachel's POV

I was just sitting in my room when I started to get a shooting pain in my chest but I just brushed it off because it didn't seem that important at the moment.


Do you want to come bird
watching with me and Eddie?

Yeah sure why not I've got nothing better to do

Ok meet us at the park in 5

You got it stan the man

*Time skip (park)*

"Ok so what kind of birds we looking at staneil"

"These ones"

He showed me his book and pointed to the ones he was trying to find.Eddie was sitting in the park bench so I sat next to him,I ended up resting my head on his shoulder.But then the pain came back,I tried to ignore it but I couldn't,not this time at least.

"Are you ok you look really pail like your goons faint" Stan looked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine,but I think I'm gonna head home,see you guys la-" Then everything went black.

3rd person POV

Stan heard a thud behind him followed by a scream from Eddie.

"What the fuck was that" Stan said turning around and not asking anymore questions after seeing Rachel lying on the ground barely breathing,rushing over and kneeling by Eddie.

"What do we do?" Stan asked flustered.

"Give her CPR"

Eddie started doing chest compressions but that didn't seem to be working as it was being blocked by the five layers of bandages.

They called Bev too see if she could help,as the boys felt awkward taking off the unconscious girls shirt,they new it was risky to wait but Bev was there within five minutes.Beverly lifted Rachel's shirt revealing the bandages and quickly got out her switch blade and cut through them and started chest compressions again but only more effective without the bandages.

Goodbye baby girl///(FtM)Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now