Chapter 2 -Welcome to our base

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Juicy's POV
I let out a sigh and tightly gripped the steering wheel. Suddenly,I can feel a tiny object hopping on my shoulder. It lets out multiple beeps before hopping repeatedly up and down,hitting my left cheek lightly. I smiled and let out a chuckle. "Fruit,I know you're excited,but please. Im driving."

He stopped and beeped happily before hopping back to the backseat. I snuck a glance on Narrator,who's just staring blankly in front of him quietly. Then I glanced at the mirror to see how (y/n)'s doing.

(Y/n)'s POV
The little robot suddenly hopped on my lap and I scooped him up in my palms gently. "Awh,aren't you a cutie?" I cooed at it. It made several high pitched beeping noises. It seems...happy? "Whoa,you have emotions? Interesting.."
I quickly examined it,turning it around here and there. Suddenly,it made a faint beeping noises and once I saw it's eyes that's rolling in circles,I laughed. 'Is it dizzy now?'
"Im sorry! Oh my gosh,haha!" I let it go and sit on my lap. I somehow caught a glimpse of Juicy looking at me before focusing back on the road.

"Do you need something?" I asked

"Hmm? No,nothing" He replied

"Sure,alright." I said,looking back out of the window.

"So what were you actually doing outside this late at night?" Narrator glanced at me from the mirror,breaking the silence.

"Oh,Its nothing really. Just taking a walk,I guess? Yknow,night walks?" I said,nervously.

"Walks at around 1am? Yeah,seems believable." Juicy laughed.

I rolled my eyes and looks back out of the window. "Oh yeah,so when are you gonna be answering my questions,hmm?" I said,with a slightly annoyed tone in my voice.

"Oh,forgot about that. Go ahead,ask away." Narrator said

I began petting the little robot on my lap. "Alright,first of all,who are you guys?"

"His name's Narrator,that little guy's name is Fruit and Im Gaege. But call me Juicy." He points at Narrator first,then the little robot on my lap and then at himself without looking away from the empty road.

"Alright,so Narrator,Fruit and Gae- Juicy." I corrected myself. He nodded.

"Secondly,where are we going?" I looked at them suspiciously. Little Fruit is still rolling around on my lap. "To our home base. You look pretty beaten up right there and maybe could use some food and sleep." Narrator answered this time. "What do you mean by 'beaten up',they don't even touch me yet." I narrowed my eyes. "Well,still. You could use some rest right now and maybe food."

Everything went awkwardly silent except for the faint radio noises in the background. I didn't even notice that was turned on the whole time. I hesitated to ask this one question that had been bothering me since earlier.

"...How do you know about my dad..?" I asked. No one made a single noise for a whole minute. Then,Narrator spoke. "Eric was one of our best Alpha member yet. Alpha was like the second highest rank after the Elites. He was also about to get promoted to be one of us Elites,about two days before he got killed." He said sadly.I looked down on my lap and tried my best not to cry. "Im sorry.." he added.

"...I always thought that he's still out there,alive and well.." I paused. "Wait,wait. Hold on,something doesn't add up. What do you mean he was 'one of your best Alpha member'?" I looked at him.

"Oh? He doesn't tell you that he's one of us?"

" I can only meet him once a year when my parents split up before I was even born. Sometimes I could spend a day or two with him if we're lucky enough. He didn't tell me nothing about this."

"Must be a tough childhood. Im sorry." Juicy said,still focusing on the front road. "Oh,look. We're almost there." He said,changing the subject.

I looked out of the window to see a medium sized house. It's neither big nor small. "So is this your 'home base'?" I turned to look at them. "Yeah,basically where we hangout together before missions."

"But there's only the two of you,why'd you need such a big house?" I asked again.

"You'll see." Juicy smirked and parked the car. I got out with the little robot in my palms,closing the door behind me as I followed both of them close.

(Author's note time!)
-Tee hee sorry for cutting the story short here. I just wanted to say thank you for even taking your time to read this little story that I made. I would appreciate it so much if you'd also take some time to share this story around! Alrighty,that's all for now. Don't forget to follow me for new future updates! Love ya a lot!💕-

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