Chapter 3:Meeting(part 2)

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As soon as Azur opened the door he heard a splash and,within seconds,found himself soaked with what smelled like juice. It was grape too,the one flavour he hated. Azura would have screamed her head off,but Azur didn't say anything. He just went in calmly,as if nothing happened. He saw there were for boys (each on their respected bunks) gapping opened mothed as if a monster was in front of them."Do I look that bad?",Azur thought. He couldn't see very well because there was still some juice in his eyes. It looked like they were going to say something but Azut spoke first,"Does the water in the bathroom work?"

One answered,"Y-Yeah"

Azur saw there was one single bed and askesd,"Has anyone taken this yet?"

They all shaked there heads. Azur dropped his bag,took out a change of clothes and was going in the bathroom when someone said,"If you want you ca.....". He didn't hear the rest because he already shut the door and went in.

After a while when he came out,no-one was there. He took this chance to fix his hair since he felt weird doing it in front of others. He looked so much like a boy,he couldn't believe he was a girl himself. He looked at his schedule and before his classes there was a note saying:
Dear Azur,
We know we may have greatly inconvenienced you by giving a false agreement,thus as compensation we have allowed you to not attend classes for the next 2 days (as not much studying is done in this time,the teachers take a while to come). Please show this note if someone sees you and accuses you of  skipping.
P.S why not check out the forests?
Yours Truly,
Headmaster Sullivan

At first,Azur might have believed that the one who wrote this was the headmaster,but it looked like 2 completely different people had written it as soon as he finished it. He didn't dwell on it though,he quickly laid down on tbe bed,tired as ever. He spent most of the time walking and now his feet were aching. He wondered what those boys were doing...

Azur had quickly fallen asleep and was now awoken by loud shouts. They were so loud his ears were ringing."WILL YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP!",he screamed as he turned his head around.All 4 of them were making a I'm-gonna-kill-you face,but as soon as they saw Azur,they just got madder.

"The heck! Mind your own bissnesse!"

"Your just sayiny that to get out of this!"

"I told you! I wasn't the one who broke it!"

"Hey! Telling you all to shut up is the most sensible thing I've heard today!"

Like this,the bickering continued. Azur couldn't stand it. He wanted to shout,but instead he just got out of bed and before he could leave for the door,someone put a hand on his shoulder. He had dark blue hair and purple eyes (an odd combination,I know) and was only a little taller than Azur."Hey,I know they can annoy the life out of you,but they mean well",he said. "They've got a funny way of showing it.",Azur replied flatly.

"I'm Noah by the way. Noah Cavendish."

"Azur,just Azur"

"Ok,just Azur. Do you have any idea how we can stop this?"

"What's with the we? I'm sorry,but I have to go somewhere"

"Did you skip class or something?I haven't seen you on the campus grounds all day"

"I got permission",Azur replied. And with that he stepped forward and was opening the door but Noah was still hovering over him.

"You know",he whispered. He leaned in closer and was about to say something when Azur sidestepped out of the way and went to his bed. "What's wrong?",Noah asked.

Azur didn't answer. He kept rummaging through his bag for something. After afew seconds,the other 3 finally calmed down and stopped screaming."Noah-nii,when did you get here?",one asked witha childlike voice.

"You really are deceptive,ya know that?",Noah replied with a chuckle. The kid grinned. "Who's he?",one asked pointing at Azur."New kid,I guess",another answered.

"Doesn't he seem weird?"

"What's with that hairstyle? Can he even see properly?"

"He looks kinda cool 'cause if  his hair colour,I think"

And slowly,the conversation went from someone breaking something,to Azur's hair.

Though they weren't shouting,this still annoyed Azur. He took out an eye patch from his bag and calmly said,"I'm right here and yes,I can see,no I have to wear my hair like this and yes my hair is natural." Azur said all this without a hint of showing off.

They were all silent for awhile then someone spoke,he had jet-black hair,silver eyes and was literally wearing nothing other than black. Only his skin was very white. For some reason,Azur paid the most attention to his look,he reminded him of someone but he couldn't remember who."I guess we should all introduce ourselves,I'm Silver,Silver Haden",he said. "Ohh,lets make it a game. We'll say stuff about our background one fact at a time. People who won't say anything will be taken out at the time. Last person left is the winner",the blonde boy with green eyes said. "Does everything have to be a game to you!?!", a boy with streaked red hair and a red and purple eye said. People with two eye colours were supposed to be mostly witches who could use charmspeak,but this was a guy and he definitely wasn't charming. People would die for you if you had a strong enough voice,but people with charmspeak are normally very kind so they won't do that kind of thing. But as I said,this guy had a wasn't exactly a gentleman.The blonde answered,"If it can be a game,why shouldn't it. Now enough of your grumpiness,it's not like this is optional for you,Noah and Silver already agree,right?"

Noah and Silver nodded."You two pamper him to much,and I think your forgetting something,Hoppy",Nalu grinned.

"I told you to stop that! It's Haru! H-A-R-U. Should I spell it out for you,mister charmer?",Haru said.

Nalu was about say something but Azur spoke first,"I think we should go back to the topic in which you two don't scream your heads off. I think what Haru here was trying to say that I hadn't said if I agreed to this or not and even if  I did you might have said that your side had 3 so you won but previously you had said that the 5th person who came,as a welcome for the first game they play they vote counts as that of 3 and,frankly I have somewhere to be so I'll be taking my leave and since I agree to not play,you can only play with Silver and Noah and cannot force Haru to." Azur hadn't spoken much since he was here so this was a surprise to them. Azura was very talkative so this wasn't much of a problem to Azur,the actual surprise would have been that she was speaking calmly and slowly,since Azura had a habit of stammering."W-Wait how'd you know that! I thought that a second ago!",Nalu questioned."I'm not in the course,but I know a fair bit of telepathy.",Azur replied calmly,"Now,if you would excuse me. I really am late." "For what?",Noah asked,though it didn't sound like a question. Azur slightly smiled and didn't say anything.Azur left before any one else could delay him further

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