She read the section on cores that described a vampire core.

'Depending on the vampire the venom comes from, the wand will have a certain degree of divinity. If the vampire's aura is relatively dark and twisted, the wand will have some a small amount of restraint against the more innocent spells on the side of healing but will likely prosper in duel or martial areas. If the aura is relatively light and clear, the wand will be slightly hesitant to perform spells that are meant to hurt or especially kill a person. If the aura is somewhat in between the above, the wand is very likely to act on your accord, along with the accord of itself, refusing to hurt or heal, depending on what it feels is best for its owner. The vampire venom core has a very loyal bond with its first owner. It is very versatile and can be either Light or Dark. It is not likely to be won over by another witch or warlock and will stay true to its first possessor. Has the potential to be a very impressive and powerful wand, depending on the potential of its owner.'

Y/N shrugged, "Sounds good to me." She stood from her seat and made her way downstairs to where Jasper was. She walked over to Jasper, who looked at her with a smile. "How's the spell coming along?"

"So far, so good. I just need something..." She told him. He asked her with a shrug, "Whatever you need."


"I beg your pardon?" He asked.

"I need venom. Preferably yours."

"Why mine?"

"It's okay, I can ask Carlisle." She looked up and over to the doctor who was watching the scene play out from his spot on the couch next to Esme. Jasper shook his head, "No, it's okay. I can give you some, I'm just curious as to why you need it..."

Y/N chewed on her lip, "You'll see."

He narrowed his eyes at her, giving her a look, "Okay..." He got up, leaving the room. Y/N shrugged and retreated back to her room to look over the spell before she performed it. A few minutes later, Jasper appeared with a small vial of some of his venom.

"And this is your venom?" She asked, double checking. "My venom."

She smiled and set it next to the wood, "Great. I just need to go collect a branch from the tree this came from."

Jasper followed her outside and they both walked through the wood close to the house to find the bark of a Black Walnut tree. When they finally found one, Jasper jumped up, grabbing a branch from off the tree. It wasn't big, but it was just enough for the spell.

They got back to the house and Y/N put the vial and branch on the desk. She picked up the grimoire and began to read the spells a few times in her head before speaking it. Jasper stayed by the door, a safe distance away from the magic. She took a breath and directed the spell to the branch first, the spell meant to made the wand shape.

She closed her eyes and muttered the spell. The branch began to shake as she spoke the words, it began to shed, the remains left as dust. What was left was an 11 inch wand with a deep brown color. It was smooth to the touch and had a handle with a little bit of design to it.

The next step was to pour the venom onto the tip of the wand while muttering a Latin word. She did so carefully, articulating the word while the venom poured onto the wand and seeped into the wood. Where the venom touched the outside of the wood, there was a very slight silvery color left behind, all the venom otherwise inside of the wand.

She smiled at how well things seemed to be going. She then picked up the wand and closed her eyes, muttering a spell while hovering her free hand over the wand. When the spell was done, you could tell by the way the wand shot a spark out of the end.

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