Morning Encounter

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(y/n)'s pov

'Stupid internal clock,' I thought as I lay awake at 5 in the morning. We technically didn't have to get up until 6 but I normally got up at 5 which was why I was already up. I quietly changed out of my pajamas into some athletic shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt (basically a tank top). I made my way to the girl's bathroom where I washed my face and brushed my teeth. 

Since I had nothing better to do and an hour till breakfast I decided to wander around. I was in search of a vending machine which I could get a snack from to tie me over till breakfast. What I found instead was the boy I took out last night. I continued walking quietly hoping he hadn't noticed me but unfortunately he did. "What are you doing up so early (f/n)-chan? You're going to get bags under those pretty (e/c) eyes of yours," He said. 

I turned around to face him and glared, "I could ask you the same thing and besides I'm not your girlfriend so my appearance shouldn't matter to you Oikawa." 

He came closer to me, "Were you up looking for me because you wanted to apologize for last night?"

"You wish," I muttered under my breath.

"Did you say something?"


"Well I'm waiting for that apology sweetheart," Oikawa said taking my phone out of my grasp and holding it above my head. 

"Don't sweetheart me," I said as I jumped up and got the phone back with no problem. "Next time you do that I'd check how high the person you're doing it to can jump. Maybe when you learn manners you'll get that apology." 

He laughed nervously before saying, "I think we started off on the wrong foot." I had began to walk away but the phrase stopped me. I turned around and he continued, "Sorry for annoying you last night with the commotion I made."

The sudden change in attitude was odd but I went with it, "I accept your apology and I'm sorry for kneeing you in the balls." 

"Would you like to join my teammate and I at breakfast today?" I thought about it for a moment.

"Sure," I replied. Oikawa smiled from ear to ear it looked cute. He looked like at kid in candy or toy heaven. "So why exactly are you up?"

"Koganegawa was talking in his sleep and it woke me up," the captain replied, then asking me, "What made you get up?"

"My internal clock," I sighed. 

"How nice," he said sarcastically. 

"I know right? I just love getting up at 5 every single day," I said sarcastically, playing along with his prior comment.  

"Well seeing as it's nearly 6 we should probably both get back to our rooms," He said as he had opened his phone. "We don't want them worrying about where we are."

"That's a good idea but I mean wouldn't your roommates be happy that you've disappeared," I teased. 

"That's not very nice (f/n)-chan," He said as we both walked down the hallway. The two of us stopped outside of our respective rooms, "I'll see you at breakfast?"

"Yep," I said as I opened my door, "See you."

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