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I stumble back away from the horror I'm facing. And then I turn and fly off into the night.


I reach Pixie Hollow within minutes, and use my magick to call on the others. We gather together in the city square and the other Fae look at me worriedly.

"What did you see, Asteria?" Ruby asks.

"I saw Pan stab this girl in the heart," I say. "He ... he just killed her. And before she was killed, I saw her in her cage. She pleaded with me to free her, because she was afraid he'd sacrifice her."

"That sick bastard," Hawk says, narrowing her amber eyes. She opens her feathered wings wide and takes off.

Ruby and I follow her. You see, Ruby and Hawk are my best friends. And I know them very well. I knew that she'd freak out, but I had to tell her, otherwise, she'd just fly off and probably get herself killed.

Or worse.

"Are you okay?" asks Ruby.

I look over at her as we land atop a tree among the cliffs that line Pan's camp. Hawk positions herself in her tree branch, and watches.

Far below us, Pan raises his goblet high into the air, and all his Lost Boys cheer. Pan laughs and shouts something that even though I have Fae senses, I cannot discern what he's saying.

"What's he saying?" I ask.

"He says that this was for them," Hawk says. "He said that they are all being rewarded. That this is the reward they get for their hard work. What hard work? We do all the damn work around here!"

I sigh. "What do we do?"

"We run away. He'll catch us, or he won't. Either way, we will have made a stand," Hawk says.

"What? No. We can't," I say.

"Why not?" Hawk asks.

"Because it's not safe," Ruby says.

"And there's only three of us. What if they all find us?"

"Well, that's a risk I'm willing to take. For freedom." She turns away, then looks over her shoulder, her short, red hair falling in her eyes. "What are you willing to risk?"

She flies off into the night, and I look at Ruby.

"Well? What do you think?"

"I think we gotta do this, Asteria," Ruby says. "Because if we don't, we'll never know if it could've worked."

I nod and she flies off. In the same direction as Hawk. And after a moment, I follow her lead.

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