Connor's Favorite Bedtime Story ~ Felix Dadswap

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~ Story Plot ~

While getting settled in bed by Felix, Connor being the story-loving kitten he is begs his dad to tell him the story of the Fire Tiger battle for the hundredth time.. but who would Felix be to decline telling his junior kitten the tales of his adventures, even if over and over?


The sound of crickets chirping, the gentle whispers of wind in the trees, and the hoots of owls and other nighttime critters filled the room through the open window, and other than those sounds and the shuffling of blankets, all was quiet as Felix helped his youngest kitten into bed.

"There you go, champ. Comfy?" Felix asked, a warm smile on his face as he drew the covers onto Connor, who smiled back at his dad.

"Yeh!" He chirped, gripping and snuggling into the warm softness of the blankets. Felix leaned down to nuzzle his nose against Connor's, both purring quietly.

"Good night Connor, I love you." Right as Felix stood up, he felt a small hand snatch his pants, accompanied with a quiet "Wait," prompting him to turn around and look down at Connor, now sitting upright with a tilted head and starry eyed pleading look and a big grin.

"Can you tell me the story about your fight with the Fire Tiger again, dad? Pweaaaase?"

"Oh dear, how did I know you'd ask?" Felix breathed out with a small laugh, and he sat back down again, shuffling to be facing towards Connor with his arms resting on the bed. Connor in turn moved to sit up and face him back, tail flicking side to side with small purrs, eager to hear his favorite story.

"So there I was, face to face with a Fire Tiger.. there was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. I had no choice but to battle it, despite how big and dangerous that creature was!"

Felix's tone of voice was made to make the situation sound more enticing and dramatic, and boy, did it work wonders for his kitten. Connor's tail was immediately flicking faster, ears perked, and smile wide. His hands had a tight hold on his blanket, an equivalent to clenching one's fists in anticipation.

"I snatched a blade from my pouch, and with all my might, fought back against it's attacks. Claws thrashing out at me, long, sharp fangs nearly missing me and cutting at my clothes. It was fast, strong, and smart."

As he told the story, Felix acted out the scene slightly with hand gestures, and putting out his own claws with opened hands toward Connor to mimic the Fire Tiger, making him squeal and kick excitedly. Felix couldn't help but laugh at this, something told him Connor would never get over this story.. not that he was complaining. He loved making his kittens happy.

"Then all of a sudden, WHAM!" He hit one hand into the other, making a loud smack sound to emphasize what happened, and Connor perked, ears lifted as high as they could with wide eyes. "I felt a surge of sharp, horrid pain in my side, and I faltered back to grip the wound the Tiger inflicted. I was in so much pain, and for a moment, I thought it might be the end for me!"

Connor was practically bouncing in place, eyes sparkling with each word. His favorite part was coming up, and he couldn't wait.

"But I knew I had to keep fighting, I wasn't about to let myself lose this battle. Despite the pain, despite part of me screaming to run away.. I got back up, and continued to fight!" He used a hand to paw at Connor, mimicking the fight again, and Connor let out a squeal of a laugh.

"Eventually, the Tiger had me pinned to a pillar, snarling at me. It thought it had me, I'm certain, but in a quick move, I—"

"OHHH BOY THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART!!" Connor squealed out, bouncing again and his tail flicked wildly, causing Felix to burst out in a laugh, putting a finger to his mouth. "Woah there, whirlwind! Your mother and sister are asleep! Now, where was I.."

As he was told, the kitten went quiet again, but was still shuffling and impatient as he listened to the story continue, smiling widely.

"Ah, right. Though the Tiger had me pinned to a pillar, I was able to lift my legs just high enough, using it's hold on me for support, and with all the strength I had left in me, kicked it clear in the chest! The Tiger and I both fell, and while it was gagging for breath, I held it down with one foot as I wrapped it in rope as quickly as I could!"

Felix moved his hands to Connor, holding him as if he were wrapped up in rope, once again eliciting laughs from him. Once released, Connor looked back up at Felix again, placing his hands in front of him on the bed, eyes sparkling.

"Finally, I had emerged victorious, living with the scars to tell the tale of my battle with the Fire Tiger to you and your sister!" He lifted his shirt to reveal the scar left behind, shifting closer to let Connor touch it as he always does after telling the story.

The kitten let out a quiet "Awesomeeee!" as he traced a finger around the three claw mark scars, then looking up at his dad again and bouncing with a squeal. "That story NEVER gets old!!"

Felix laughed quietly, ruffling Connor's hair. "I can tell, champ! You ask me to tell you that story almost every other night!" Connor giggled, pawing at Felix's hand playfully, before letting the older cat gently push him back down into the bed  and cover him up. "Well, get to bed now, kiddo. It's way past your bedtime."

With a quiet purr, the two nuzzled again, Connor mumbling a quiet "Okay, dad." as he snuggled into the comfort of the bed, his hands kneading on the blanket as he closed his eyes, starting to doze off as Felix walked to the door and turned off the light. Once outside of the room, Felix whispered a quiet "I love you, my little Adventurer." before closing the door, leaving Connor to sleep and dream about adventuring with his dad as he usually does.


Word count: 1056

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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Ask Hazel ~ DadSwap AU(s) Oneshots and Ficsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें