Sinner's training

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After they made their choice the sins had split up to go to their hero agencies with momo going to ryuku's agency and learn under her

Momo:hello ms ryuku I'm here for a week to learn from you

Ryuku:welcome now from.what I've been issued you're a part of the seven deadly sins correct

Momo:yes I'm the boar sin of gluttony

Ryuku:never thought i would be teaching a sin well let's go on patrol get your costume on

Momo:yes ma'am

As they go out on patrol we go to the sin of lust

Enji:I'm glad you wanted to learn from me

Shoto:you're my father so I'm gonna want to learn from you

Enji:so i heard you got a new costume

Shoto:yes i do

After he gets changed

Enji:not a bad look son

Enji:not a bad look son

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(Shoto's new costume)


As they head out they run into a group of thugs using their quirks to hold people in a bank hostage and demand money for the cops to leave


Cop:what're we gonna do they don't look scared

Enji:we're here to help

Cop:endeavor thank goodness we need your help to get the citizens safe

Enji:if i try to go in they'll still hold them hostage and hurt them for me to go

Shoto goes to the line and holds his fingers in a gun shape


As he fires mini arrows into the thugs necks and makes them come to the cops so they're arrested

Enji:shoto what was that

Shoto:my new ability invasion i can fire energy arrows into my opponents to manipulate them through memory and emotions

Enji:well i guess i was right to trust that fairy boy huh

Shoto:yes father

Now to the sin of greed

Jeanist:i know why you're here


Jeanist:you think learning under the #3 hero would give you a extreme push past your class mates but i know who you are sin of greed and your display at the festival it was just as savage as you are

Katsuki:hey i didn't come here just to-

As he is binded by his threads

Jeanist:i will show you how to act and behave as a hero should so be prepared to not slack off

Katsuki:'DAAMN IIIII-'

With our sin of envy

Mt Lady:glad i have a student like me

Ochako:thank you for accepting me

Mt Lady:of course now then when you're in a bigger state you end up causing more destruction than you want so you want to fight precisely and in bigger areas so you either throw quick and precise attacks or grab your enemy and throw them to a wider field

Ochako:hmm 'that's smart but i can manipulate earth too so i can have help from the ground too'

Mt Lady:now then let's continue no villains for now

Ochako:yes ma'am

And I'll end it here izuku had managed to get miruko and edgeshot to teach him i lost ideas so yeah bye

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