The story of Jessie Wood...

Start from the beginning

It was the next morning. I had to wake up early since McKenna had planned that we go to the water park that day. I slipped my bathing suit in my backpack and grabbed my wallet and headed out the house. There was Kayla waiting for me outside in her car. I got in greeting Aidan, Olivia, and Travis. "Where's the rest of the gang?" I asked buckling myself in and throwing my bag on the floor. "Oh, they left a long time ago. They wanted to make sure we still had our reservations and also to get a good spot." Olivia said snuggling while under Travis's arm. "I find it funny we are going swimming in the middle of October." Aidan said changing the music in the car. "What do you expect? We live in south Texas." I said. My phone then buzzed. I picked it up and my heart dropped. Parker's name appeared on the screen. "Good morning. Not sure how early you wake up, but I just wanted to tell you I hope you have a great day! 'Smiling emoji'" My heart melted at such the sweet message. "Aww. Good morning to you too. And thank you. I hope you have an amazing day as well." I sent the message with a smile on my face. "Ooo. Who you texting that has you smiling?" Olivia said trying to peak a look at my phone. "What? I'm not smiling. Am I smiling?" I said trying to play dumb. "Yes you are." Travis said. "So, who's the guy?" Aidan asked looking back at me. "Nobody, it's no one." "Yeah yeah. Keep on lying." Kayla said. "Kayla, shut up. And keep your eyes on the road. I just saw a cute meme. There. That's it." I yelled. Everyone just looked at me. They were not buying it one bit. "Ok. Sure. Go back to looking at your meme." Travis said waving his hand towards my phone. He then went back to hold Olivia. "Thanks." I said looking at my phone. 1 new message from Parker: So what is this pretty girl doing today? My face once again got red as I read the text. I caught Olivia looking over my shoulder. I hid my phone and pushed her head back. She looked at me with a mischievous smile. I rolled my eyes as I continued to text him while we drove our way to the park. My smile staying there the whole ride.

We made it to the park an hour later. McKenna and Asher were there waiting at the gate of the park. We all walked up, all kind of exhausted from the long ride. "Well good morning to y'all. Did y'all get hit by a bus? Y'all look like you were dragged up here." McKenna said. "Well we kind of were. You did plan this out of no where." Kayla said. She just smiled. "Where's Ethan and Arabella?" Olivia asked while rubbing her eyes and yawning. "Oh they are just setting our stuff down under one of the canopies." Asher said pointing to them. We all picked up our stuff and made our way to the park. We all dropped our stuff by Ethan and Arabella. "Good morning, extras." Ethan said putting his towel on the floor. We all rolled our eyes at his normal moody self. I grabbed my swim suit from my bag. "Ok. I'm going to get changed." I said point to the restrooms. "Oh so do we." McKenna said pointing to Kayla and Arabella. "What about Olivia?" I asked. "Oh I already put my bathing suit on." She said sitting on the towel and putting on sunscreen. "Ok. Let's go." McKenna said grabbing her bathing suit from her bag. We all walked to the restroom and all picked an individual stall to change in. I went into the last stall and quickly slipped on my bathing suit. I unlocked the door and walked out looking in the mirror. "Wow. Don't you just look hot with your cute stripped one piece." McKenna said looking at me up and down. "Well you look good as well." "I know, babe." She said while winking at me. I blushed a bit. "You all look hot, luvs. You're blinding me with your hot ness." Arabella said exiting the stall. "You looking gorgeous as usual, Arabella." McKenna said. "That red swim suit fits you perfectly." "Aww, thanks luv. That black bikini makes you look like a gourmet meal." Arabella said while doing her dumb chef kisses. "Can y'all stop flirting with each other for a second?" Kayla said stepping out with a beautiful neon green swim suit. "Wow. You gonna turn me gay if you keep looking that good." McKenna said playfully biting her lip. "Whatever." Kayla said rolling her eyes. "No like actually. You look amazing." I said while looking at her. "Aww. Thanks." "Ok, we should probably get going. The guys are probably wondering where we are." I said. We all left the restroom. All the guys were already in their swimming trunks showing off their "extremely sculpted muscles", and Olivia was there in a very cute pink bikini. We all walked up in front of the guys as they were setting down their stuff. The all stopped as they saw us. "Wow. Y'all look good." Asher said walking up to Arabella and grabbing her by the waist. "You can say that again." Aidan said coming up to Kayla and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Well, y'all look handsome too." McKenna said walking up to Ethan and playing with his hair as he held her. I was the only one without someone to be all sweet with. Even Olivia and Travis were there cuddling each other and they weren't even fully "dating" even though that's a big lie. "Wow guys, way to make me feel single." I said sarcastically. "Oh. Don't forget you're my little watermelon sugar." Arabella said coming and giving me a hug. "Yeah. You'll always be my baby." Mckenna said playfully nudging me. "Well, are y'all gonna get in or what?" Travis said pointing to the water. "Hell yeah!" McKenna said running into the water only to run right out. "That is cold." She said shaking. We all laughed. "Well if it's cold, I'm not going." Arabella said walking back. "Oh. I don't think so." Asher said picking her up in his arms. "Asher!! Put me down!" She said screaming and swinging her arms. "You ready?" He said with a mischievous smile. "NO!" "Ok. Here we go." He said while running in and jumping in the water; Arabella was screaming the whole time. We all laughed as she popped her head out of the water, shaking. "I hate you." She said moving her hair out of her face. "I love you too." Asher said coming up from under the water and hugging her from behind. We all jumped in after and splashing all around.  Me and the girls all trailed off while the boys did whatever they do. I don't know. "So, Jessie?" McKenna asked in her mischievous voice. "Oh no. What?" "How is it with your boyfriend? You seemed pretty excited to me." She said winking at me. "Are we seriously going to talk about this now?" I asked trying to avoid the conversation. "Yep. I want some details." "Oh, she was texting him the whole time on our way over here. Her face was extremely red and she was smiling like and idiot." Olivia said. "Oh shut up." I said splashing water at her. "Oh really? What did he say?" "Nothing." "That's bull shit. You were blushing the whole time." Kayla said floating in on the conversation. Literally. She was laying in a float. "Come on. Spit it out." Arabella said again, struggling to keep afloat. "Ok ok. He texted me good morning and wished I have a good day."  I said avoiding looking at McKenna. "That's all?" She asked. "Nope." Olivia said. I gave her a dirty look. "What are y'all dummies doing?" Ethan said swimming up to McKenna. Asher and Travis both showed up. Asher carrying Arabella once again and Olivia on Travis's back. Aidan came from under the water and flipped Kayla off the float. We all laughed as she tried to hit him, but missed. He eventually just grabbed her, so she couldn't move. "Oh. We were talking about Jessie's little crush." McKenna said wrapping her arms around Ethan. I rolled my eyes as they all teased me. "What are we, in second grade? And all he did was send me some cute messages that's all." I said splashing in the water a bit. "Are you sure he didn't send you a d*** pic? Cause from the way you were blushing, it sure seemed like it." Aidan said smiling. I splashed him in the face while everyone tried to hold on their giggles. "Wow. Is everyone picking on me now?" I asked looking at everyone in the circle. Everyone nodded their heads. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to swim away. "Where you going?" Olivia asked me. "Away from y'all." I said continuing to swim away. "Jessie." McKenna said. "What do you want?" "Fine. We will stop teasing you, you happy?" I turned around. "Yes." "Ok. Now let's go on some rides, please." McKenna said taking my arm and dragging me out of the water. Everyone followed as we went from slide to slide. I could hear everyone's screams, more specifically, Kayla and Arabella, as I rode down the slide next to them. We all stopped for a bit as we took a quick lunch break. I scavenged my bag in search of my phone. I had three notifications. All of them being from Parker. I open the notifications and replied back to him. "Wow. That sounds like so much fun. I'm just stuck here with my cousin. Not much to do" "Haha. Oh sorry. I was just swimming. I left my phone behind. And that's cool." "Oh. It sure seems like you're having a good time. I wish I could be there. Mostly for you." My face once again grew red. "Stop it. And I am having a great time. I honestly would like it if you were here as well." I said smiling as I pressed the send button. "Oh. You texting him. I see." McKenna said looking over my shoulder. I gave her a dirty look. "Oh. Jeez. My bad. But, if you don't claim him, I will never leave you alone." She said walking back to the rest of the gang. I rolled my eyes as I continued to text him.

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