"I hate you so much Leorio." I stressed as I walked to the shower.

Time skip ~15 minutes

"You ready?" Leorio asked.


He put his arm around my shoulder as we walked out his apartment.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked.

"I know a cool restaurant around here, it should be open." He gleamed.

As we walked, I felt his arm slip from my shoulder down to my waist.

"Leorio... We're in public... Move your hand back..." I lectured.

Instead of listening to me, his hand glided across my bottom once again and he grabbed my hand.

His actions gave me a bright red blush.

"Leorio, stop!" I fussed, trying to move my hand.

I'd love to hold his hand but we're in public... People will judge and assume things...

Our fingers intertwined and gripped one another.

"Kurapika relax. No one will notice."

I softly sighed and nodded. We continued our journey in a peaceful silence, hand in hand.

Time skip 10 minutes

"Here we are! The Jungle Eats Cafe!" He chimed.

"It looks... expensive. Are you sure we can eat here?" I asked.

"Mhm! Hunter's get 75% off their order, with 2 of us that's 150% off!" He said with confidence, simultaneously dragging me in by my hand.

Is he joking? Or is he just that thick in the head? 150? Really?

"Table for two please!" Leorio said.

"Right this way Sir, Ma'am."

Did he just call me Ma'am?

As soon as Leorio realised what the waiter had said, he turned to me, trying not to laugh at my visible frustration of being misgendered.

The waiter guided us to a booth and provided us with menus.

"Please go to the desk over there to place your order. Thank you." The waiter bowed and walked away.

While we were sat down, I had time to observe the restaurant. The walls were painted a dark green colour while vanished oak planks lined the edges. There were vines around all around the room; hanging off the ceiling and growing out the furniture.
Dotted around the room were small white flowers and hidden lights, adding colour to the restaurant. There were a surprisingly large number of people seated, especially given how posh it looked on the outside.

Leorio waved the leaf-shaped menu in my face. "What do you want to eat?"

"I'll just have whatever you're having..." I responded.

He nodded and stood up. "I'll go order then." He stated and walked to the desk the waiter had pointed to earlier.

Ah I really don't like being alone in a crowd. The people sat next to us are definitely talking about me...

Don't be irrational Kurapika. Just wait for Leorio...


"You look a bit uncomfortable there Kurapika." Leorio laughed as he sat next to me, rubbing my head.

I smiled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Um... How's your back?" I asked.

"Ah!" He exclaimed. "It's doing much better thanks to you~" He quickly pecked my head.

"L-Leorio... People are watching..."

I don't know how I feel about showing affection in public. At home it's more than fine but at the moment, I feel like everyone is watching me.

"Who cares? Everyone thinks you're a woman anyway~" He teased.

I smacked his head. "I don't look like a woman!" I argued.

We continued our bickering until a waitress came and placed two drinks and two plates of food down.

"Please Enjoy." She said.

"Thank you!" We said together.

Leorio had ordered us calamari strips with a side of salad and rice.

As I was about to take my first bite, I noticed Leorio was watching me intently.

"What." I said in a monotone voice.

"Nothing~ You just look cute~"

"Stop being so flirty today. Goddamn."

I took a bite out of the calamari. "Oh these are good." I admitted.

"See?" He smirked, taking a bite out of his own food.


"Hey Leorio?" He looked at me as I spoke, causing me to blush harder. "Does this count as a date?"

After I said that, he was hit with a sudden confidence: "Of course it is! I wouldn't take just anyone here!" He claimed.

I gently smiled to myself, trying to steady my racing heartbeat.

The atmosphere was nice after that; we shared stories and memories with eachother till our food was gone.


Leorio was confused when we didn't get 150% off our meal. I tried to explain it but he wouldn't listen.

I guess he wasn't joking.

We'd decided not to get desert and just walk back home.

My hands are kinda cold. It feels weird having them just hang by my sides...

"Leorio can I hold your hand?" I unexpectedly asked.

We were both shocked I'd said that- especially given my thoughts and actions earlier.

However, Leorio didn't have time to ponder and immediately took me up on my offer, placing my hand in his.

We smiled at eachother and continued to his apartment.


"Hey Leorio... Today was fun, I hope we can go out like this again in the future."


Kurapika X Leorio - Behind the Scenes [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now