Andras spoke up. "Angels don't fare well in hell. And Valafar shouldn't go either. If, and we must assume it is a certainty, Urian knows about you, he will come after you."

"Andras, you can't go alone."

"I'm not stupid, brother. Urian can end me in a second. I'll convince Elathan to help me."

"Elathan?" Eloa asked. There was something about that name that made her shiver, though she was certain she had never heard it before.

"Lath Ane, to you angels," Andras said.

With a jerk, she stumbled, backing away from the brothers. "Killer of Angels." She looked around, expecting her people's very own boogie man to pop in at any moment. "You know him?"

"Easy, Eloa." Valafar took a step toward her. Did he dare touch her? After what he did to her? What he said to her? But the panicked look in her eyes took the decision from him. "He is not who you think he is. Not anymore."

He took slow steps toward her, not wanting to frighten her. When he reached her, he pulled her into his arms. "He loves an angel, birdy. And he defied hell to be with her." He stroked his hand down her back. "There is nothing to fear from him."

"How can an angel be with him?" Her breathing calmed under the stroke of his hand. "How could she forgive the blood spilled."

"Because she is Irin. Demon's Bane to us. She has killed far more of our kind than he has yours. She understands."

She was quite at this. Her feelings for Valafar made more sense now. Angels and demons could love. Would wonders never cease?

"Okay. I'm going to go and speak with Elathan. We've stuck our necks out for them twice now. He can help us," Andras said.

Keeping Eloa in his arms, when he knew he should have Andras take her to the island, he turned them. Meeting his brother's gaze over Eloa's head, he smiled at him. "If you can get Irin to let him go."

Tuning out his words, she lay her head on his shoulder. He wanted her gone, but he was in for a big surprise. Had he not said anything of his love, she would have left. Despite the feeling in her heart, she would have left him, given him the aloneness he wanted. But he did and she couldn't.

Cursed. He could be free. The thought was thrilling. While she had no fear of him now, well, not as much, it would be nice to not have to worry about the red in his eyes. The color of the blood lust that took him from her. It could be gone.

His arms tightened around her and she lifted her head. "Did you mean it, birdy?"

"Mean what? You are so vague." She grinned.

"When you said you loved me." His voice was so unsure.

"Did you mean it when you said it?"

"Demons don't lie." His smile was gentle.

"Neither do angels."

His lips touched hers, soft as a feather.

"I offered you freedom." His forehead touched hers. "I tried to push you away, for your own protection."

"I know."

"Well, I take it back. You will be in danger, possibly, until Urian is found and made to correct his mistake. But I can't let you go now."

"That's fine by me." Cupping the back of his neck, she closed the distance between their lips.

His arms pulled her tight against him, bodies touching, hearts mirrored.

"I love you, Eloa." he whispered against her lips.

"And I love you, Valafar."

Eyes closed, she was surprised to find cold porcelain under her feet. Opening them, she found herself bare in the shower with an equally bare Valafar.

Forbidden: TormentedWhere stories live. Discover now