"ANNABETH!" I shouted.

She sprung away from the guy and started to stutter. "Percy, this isn't what it looks like! I wouldn't do this to y-" She was cut off as I started to speak. "Save it" I growled in a voice filled with pain, betrayal, and fury. "I can't believe I was actually considering proposing
to you! I turn around for a few weeks and you've already moved on!"

"Percy..." She started only to be cut off again.

"No, this is goodbye, Annabeth" and I swept my hand through the mist, ending the call.

I collapsed to my knees, sobbing. And as sob after sob tore themselves from my body, the pain I was feeling earlier multiplied exponentially.

Then, as if some being put the knowledge in my mind I realized something.

I'm dying.

My fatal flaw is killing me. There was nothing I could do about it either. I had suffered one to many betrayal for my flaw to handle and it had given up.

As I lay there, simultaneously writhing in pain and being wracked with sobs, I decided something.

This is not where I'm going to die, alone in the middle of a random forest.

With some of the little energy I had left, I gave my best taxi-cab whistle.

A few minutes later a dark shape landed near me.

"Boss..." I heard the worried voice of one of my last friends, Blackjack, say. "What happened?"

"Betrayal, buddy. Betrayal after betrayal after betrayal, and now, because of my flaw, I'm dying." I had to stop as more sobs wracked my body."Now, I have decided that if I'm going to die, the last thing I'm going to see is the beauty of Olympus."

"Alright, boss. It's the least I can do to give you one last ride. And maybe the Olympians can help make your passing less painful."

"Good idea buddy, your the best friend anyone could ask for, now lets go" I managed to eke out. I somehow was able to mount Blackjack and he soared into the clouds.

Soon, the towering peak of Mount Olympus came into view, and after the wind spirits discovered who we were, we were allowed to pass.

By now, I was suffering from the emotional pain almost as much as the physical. I felt like I had nothing left to live for, that there was no-one who cared, and I should end it as quickly as possible.

Blackjack flew directly through the throne room doors and came to a stop near the hearth in the center of the U of thrones. I, bruised, weary, and in pain, climbed off him.

To say the gods were shocked would be an understatement but almost immediately, my dad jumped from his throne and engulfed me in a hug.

"What happened?" He asked in a voice full of concern.

"Yes, nephew, tell us what has occurred." Zeus boomed from his throne, though admittedly his eyes did convey concern.

"It all started when..." I went on to explain the arrival of Jay, the events at Camp, Annabeth's cheating, and finally I got to the main point that I was here.

By this point most of the goddesses (minus Artemis, who was filled...concern? As well anger that this happened to the one true "man" in the world) had tears in the eyes, while Hestia was crying and the gods (minus Ares whose son caused most of this and Dionysus, who was asleep) had looks of fury.

And then, fighting through the pain, I dropped the bomb. "I'm dying."

Cries of outrage and grief ran throughout the throne room, but I managed to quell them.

"How?" Dad asked, which was the question on everyone's mind.

"My fatal flaw. It couldn't handle anymore betrayals. I am essentially self-destructing. The reason I'm here was I asked Blackjack to take me to see the beauty of the City of the Gods one last time, and to hopefully have you all ease my passing."

Now, everyone was crying.

Zeus stood from his throne, and slowly walked to me.

Then, surprising everyone he, hugged me and when he disengaged, his eyes were filled with sadness as well as pride.

"I may not have been your biggest fan early on, but you have more than proved yourself worthy of respect. And because of you we gods have had better relationships with our children and the world as a whole has been a better place. We will help you nephew, on your final quest."

All 12 Olympians stood, tears on their faces, and walked towards me.

They were interrupted by a blinding flash of flames.

When I could see again, I saw a woman.

She had red hair the color of flame that seemed to twist and move like a fire as she walked. She had brilliant green eyes who's color seemed to shift with her mood and emotions, from a pair of pale almost lime green orbs, through a deep forest green, to a green so dark it was almost black.

When she spoke, her voice was filled with care and gentleness, but also a certain steel, "I think I can help you, young hero. My name is Phlegethon."

Words: 1500

A/N: And that's the start. Please review and vote, thank you and I hope you enjoyed.

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