Chapter One

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Trollex was in his room on his desk, thinking about lyrics for his next rave party, with TBDB was sleeping on a small bed with his Techno Fish buddies next to Trollex's bed. He looked at them and smiled with cuteness that his Techno buddies are sleeping with each other. And as he continued his writing, he didn't noticed that there's a mysterious cloaked figure near his window, looking at him with a toothy grin. He toke a handful of ominous glowing dust and blew towards Trollex. Trollex's eyelids started to get heavy, like he was tired. He then yawned, and laid his head down on his arms and fell asleep. The cloaked figure watched as the Techno Troll king started to fall asleep from his dust that he blew at him...

Mysterious Cloaked Figure: He has to know, eventually *swam away*

As the figure swam away from the LED castle, Trollex maybe asleep, but his eyes woken up and found himself in a strange place. He looked around and saw what looks like Techno Reef, but not a single Techno Troll is in sight. He swam around the kingdom to see if he could find anyone. But around every corner he swam around in, all he found is his castle...

King Trollex: Ok...that's not weird at all. Maybe my parents are still inside that can help me make this...more...clearer *swam inside his home*

As he swam inside, he sees everything looking a bit darker. And that's coming from a place that can glow in LED lights. He went to the kitchen to see if anybody's there and can help him, but he sees nobody there. But he did see a machine making pies, but what he see was a small dolphin about to get into the oven...

King Trollex: Whoa!! *pushed the dolphin out of the way*

Trollex grabbed the little dolphin away from the oven and sighed in relief...

King Trollex: Phew! That was close *sees a collar around its neck and sees its name* "Hawaii"? dad's old pet dolphin when he was younger, Hawaii?

Hawaii then swam around Trollex playfully, and puts her head under his arm to him to pet her. He smiled and started petting Hawaii's head...

King Trollex: Hey, Hawaii, do you know what's going on? I don't think I'm in Techno Reef anymore, and I feel like I'm losing my mind

Hawaii looked at him confused, like she doesn't   know what's happening either. Trollex sighed and swam out with Hawaii following him. What is happening to his surroundings?

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