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Darkness in everyone,

is what I hear,

but is it true or false.

Can you tell me,

is it true or is there one person,

who has light inside.

The darkness is growing,

can anyone stop it,

or will it corrupt us all.

Will we stop it,

or will it destroy us all,

can someone help us,

or will someone help us stop the destruction.

What is going on,

hearts are being broken,

people are being hurt and/or killed,

and family's being divide.

Do you know what I'm talking about,

can you tell me,

cause I don't know.

Is these darkness from war,

or our own problems.

What is going on in this world,

will god save us,

or will we save our selves.

What happens when we can't go on,

when we can't stop the darkness,

we pray that we will see the light,

and see the lord with arms wide open.

We will all hear nothing,

but peace, quiet, and the lord,

saying you're now free to rest,

you did your part,

you're now done.

You can now rest in peace,

and watch your family from here,

my child.

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