Part 2

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Part 2

Official Anti Bieber Page: One Last Journey Part II Of V - Cleary woke up on next to Somra on a ship. They started to fight but then Khaos came in. "Red!" He said. "How am I alive? & what is this piece of crap doing here?" "We have orders from the Contributor." She replied. "This lad, Aidan Somra. He could help us." "I'm sorry!" Somra said. "Bieber blackmailed me. I did it for my idol, Ariana Grande." "I've got bad news." Red said. "The chosen Anti you were in contact Cleary, he's dead. But we can bring him back according to the Contributor." All of the sudden Josh walked out. "Oh hello Mr. Cleary, my name is..." "I know who you are Papa Midnight." He replied. "How did you get this?" "It was left over from WWIII when fought the Beliebers." Midnight replied. "I used the radar systems to find you." "Anyways, we've got a plan to carry out! But first things first." She brought out Tomboii. "We kill this intruder!" Two weeks earlier, when the Antis were invading Ur: "That is how it's done." Moesby said. All of the sudden robots emerged. They all tried to fight but couldn't. "Go!" Moesby yelled to Tomboii. "Get in PRNDL & go!" "Is PRNDL the car?" "Yes! Press emergency settings. The car will teleport!" "I'm not leaving without you!" Tomboii replied. "You must! You must go & get help. PLEASE!" She was hesitant but teleported off. But before she left she muttered "I'll be back... I promise!"

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