Childhood 1

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"Grandfather where are we?" Kurai asked him, looking up at the elder while her brother walked besides her.

"Hiryuu Castle. I have some things to attend to, and no one else was available to look after you two, so now we're here. Behave yourselves." He sternly warned before heading off. The Son siblings watched him go, then turned towards each other with twin grins once he was out of sight.

"If Gramps catches us, we're dead." Hak breathlessly laughed, helping his sister climb up on the wall.

"It's okay, I'll be sure to protect you." Kurai plopped down besides him and the two looked out at Kuuto below them. "Wah~ It's so pretty."

"You two are so high up, will you be okay?"

The two looked backwards to see a little boy with dark blond hair, maybe around Hak's age.

"Oh! We'll be okay, don't worry pretty boy." Kurai called down and they both saw his face flush.

"P-Pretty boy?" He echoed and Kurai slowly nodded.

"Yeah. You have a pretty face. And I don't know your name." She reasoned, unable to understand why his face was red. Perhaps the cold?

Hak hid a snicker next to her, knowing full well why the boy below was red in the face.

"Then, I'm Soo-won! What about you two?" He called back, waving a hand in greeting. Kurai swung her legs over so that she was facing the castle instead of the capital.

"I'm Son Kurai. This is my brother, Son Hak." She introduced, eliciting Hak to throw down a wave.

"Ah! You're the adopted grandchildren of General Mundok that everyone's talking about!" Soo-won realized and the two blinked.

"We're famous?" Hak mouthed to his sister, who shrugged.

"I guess so. Lets go down, it's a waste to shout back and forth." She suggested, sliding down the castle wall and freaking Soo-won out.

"That's dangerous." He fretted, letting out a sigh of relief when she got to the ground safely. Hak joined her side and he gave Soo-won a knowing look.

"It's okay, we're both alright aren't we?" Kurai patted his shoulder in an assuring manner. "Now that I have a look at you better, I've realized something. You're General Yu-hon's son aren't you?"

Soo-won's eyes lit up. "Oh wow, you know of my father?"

Hak gave him a look. "Who doesn't? Your father is respected and feared equally all over Kouka."

"He's pretty cool." Kurai nodded, looking at Soo-won with curiosity. "So why are you here at the castle?"

"Eh? I'm just here visiting my cousin." Soo-won explained, the three having started walking some point while talking. "How about you two?"

"Mm, there was no one to look after us so Gramps had to take us with him." Hak hummed, tucking his hands behind his head. "So who's your cousin?"

"Ah! Soo-won!" Someone called out and they turned to see a red haired girl running towards them, purple eyes gleaming with unshed tears.

"Yona-chan! What's wrong?" Soo-won asked, accepting the girl into a hug.

"It's just... Father wants me to have a bodyguard... but I don't want one!" She cried and Soo-won blinked.

"What's so bad about having a bodyguard?" He asked and Yona looked up at him with a pout.

"He said it would be Joo-doh! But he's scary!" She whined and Kurai felt a chill run up her spine.

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