Part VII- The Decision....Well Almost

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Heyimbee's POV-

                                    I saw that Mitchell left the house. I went and followed him to see where he was going. (I'm not nosy just curious.) And I saw him go into Julio's house. I thought to myself, "Oh No!" I was pretty sure he was going to tell Julio about how I liked him. I started pacing the floor and all of these crazy ideas popped into my head. Like, what if he hates me, what if he used to like me but now likes Stacy. But I said to myself, "Bee calm down. Nothing will happen." Soon after that Mitchell came home. I asked him where he went and he was all secretive about it. I knew then that he did tell Julio. I was so angry I went and just his in my room all day.

Mitchell's POV-

                                 I saw that Bee went into her room and just stayed there all day. I thought that she knew about what I said to Julio. But then I thought it was impossible because I left without telling her. So I'm sure she just thought I went to Graser's or something. Well that's what I am hoping.

Julio's POV-

                          I thought a lot about what Mitchell said earlier. I thought I knew who to choose but then Stacy came over. So Stacy texted me and asked if she could come over. I said sure like always. When she came we went and watched TV for a little bit. Then she said Julio I have to tell you something. I turned my head towards her and her head was right there. Our lips were almost touching. But I pulled away. She said, "Julio Gonzalaz, I have liked you ever since we moved next to each other." At first I was stunned but then I realized I already knew that. Look at me the smart guy. Why do people like me? I guess it's because I'm handsome. *flashes smile*

Stacy's POV-

                           I can't believe our lips almost touched. I was about to kiss him but he pulled away. I told him flat out that I liked him. How adolescent of me. But after I left Zach texted me. He asked me if he could come to my house. I said yes, like always. And guess what! He flat out told me that he liked me! I was stupefied.

Zach's POV-

                          I told her, I can't believe I told her. I never knew I could be that honest about anything like that. It just all poured out of me. I must have been so embarrased because she asked me why my face was turning pink. I left right away.
I hope you guys like that chapter it was pretty long. I would have gotten it put sooner but I had basketball practice. I just want to say thank you. We already have almost 30 reads! And I just made this on Sunday or Saturday. And let's get active in the comments I'm gonna ask a question. And whoever is the first one to answer I will put them in my next fanfic. So here is the question: Who is your favorite youtuber? I will include the person you pick in the fanfic. So hurry and answer. Please keep it to somebody I will probably know. If you do this crazy makeup girl I won't pick you. So let's go!! Get active in the comments. And be sure to read my other fanfic Hbomb Has A Child. (The one with mine craft characters not real people)

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