Chapter One

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Freshman year of high school, the beginning of forming into an adult and creating new experiences that'll live with you forever. Finally, I get to say goodbye to middle school years and hello to new memories at Lincoln High School. Today's my first day of the new school, and of course my mother, Bianca, wants pictures of me in my new outfit beside my little sister. Over the summer we went school shopping together, no doubt about it my apparel consisted of band tee's and colorful skinny jeans. Every teenager, especially one's of my age, experiences a phase, but of course it's not a phase to us, we believe that's how we're going to dress for the rest of our lives. My morning attire consisted of a Pierce the Veil T-shirt, along with some skin tight green skinny jeans and my go to shoes, converses. I feel unstoppable in my choice of clothing, expressing myself in a different way is what I love. I head downstairs early, eager to see what my new school is like and to make sure that everything is in my book bag. While gathering up some last minute supplies, I hear my mother call from the back door.

"Now Makinze, get beside your sister and smile! My girls are growing up," my mom starts to tear up as my sister and I groan, trying our best to get these pictures done and over with. Maddeline, or Maddy for short, is starting fourth grade and has all the energy in the world this morning. As soon as mom gets in at least three pictures, the two of us make a run for it. Of course mom is complaining that she only got one good picture, but at this point I'm ready to start this new chapter in my life. My bus comes before my little sister's, so that means less time for me to get ready and more time rushing out the door. I grab my bag and head to the bus stop at the end of the road.

Thank God I got out of that photography session as early as I could, sometimes they last so long I barely make it on time to catch the bus. Every year my mom wants a first and last day picture, but is that really necessary? Of course I love my mother, but sometime's she can be excessive with pictures. Don't even get me started when we're on our family vacations!

"Makinze," I blink away my nagging thoughts and snap back into reality when I noticed my best friend, Nichole, calling for me while getting on the bus. I follow behind her and we look for a seat not taken so we can sit together, especially one in the back. We both flop down into a seat and can't wait to share our excitement about what the new school will be like.

Here's the thing about mine and Nichole's friendship; we have grown up as neighbors since third grade, our birthday's only being two weeks apart, and ever since I moved to this neighborhood we've been inseparable. At this point we're basically sisters, especially since we hang out together almost every day. We share our deepest secrets with each other, which means we're she's not leaving my life anytime soon. Most of my favorite memories are with her since we spend most of our time together. Actually, one funny thing about us is sometimes people think we're dating. My question is, are you really best friends if people don't question y'all's sexuality with each other?

I pull out my phone and take a selfie with Nichole, "What should we caption it?" She takes my phone from my hand and thinks for a bit, then begins typing. I glance over trying to see what great idea she's come up with, and of course it's better than what I had in mind.

History in the making

"I love it, I'm uploading it asap!" As soon as I said that the bus stops, the doors opening up to our first day of the next four years of my life. Nichole and I walk together towards the cafeteria, grabbing our breakfast and joining the rest of our friends at a table. We all mostly compare our schedules, talked about our Summer vacations, and what all we planned on joining at Lincoln High. All my friends are into some kind of extracurricular activities; band, swimming, theater, or even the sports here. I, on the other hand, didn't plan on joining anything. It's not that I don't enjoy school activities, but I was never good. I suck at sports, I can't act to save my life, playing instruments just isn't my forte, shall I go on?

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