Chapter 31-What. The. Hell.

Start from the beginning

"Thanks." I said, opening the door. 

"Wait, Sky." Adam called as I got out. 

I shut the door and glanced back at him. 

"If anything and I mean anything, goes down. Call me. Jason and Jack already know the rules. There's no fighting in my gym unless I say so and it's FFN." Adam said.

"Okay." I said and stepped away from the car, ignoring the sickening feeling in my stomach right now.

I watched as Adam drove off and I turned around and made my way up to the gym door. I heard loud metal rock music and i grimaced. I opened the door and stepped in, letting the door shut loudly behind me. I saw no one as I looked around as I walked forward, passing the ring. Where the hell is jack and Jason? 

"Ah, the calvary has arrived!" I heard Jack's voice behind me and i turned around to see him standing by the door. 

"Where's Jason?" I asked, glaring at him. 

Jack smiled and put his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. "What? No 'hi Jack"? Just, 'where's Jason?" Jack said. I just glared at him. He chuckled darkly and shook his head. He started walking towards me. "You know, I still don't get what you see in Jason. I mean, he's not as good looking as I am. His dad cheated and beat on his mom. He walks around like he's some big shot," Jack said, as he stood in front of me. He started circling me. "he's been waiting around for you all of these years like some love sick puppy-"

"Shut up!" I growled. 

Jack laughed. "And to top it all off. He's got you, which by the way, he doesn't deserve." 

"Look, either you tell me where the hell he is, or I'll beat it out of you. Your choice." I snapped. I was getting tired of his monologuing. 

Jack smirked and stopped circling me as he stood directly in front of me. I had to crane my neck to look up a little because of the height difference. He reached his hand up to touch my face. "That's what i like about you. You're not afraid to stand up to me. And let me be the first to say, it's such a turn on." He whispered, smirking. 

I slapped his hand away and pushed his chest hard. He stumbled back, leaning against the ring and chuckled. "I love it when you're rough." He said, grinning mischievously. 

Alright, that's it. I took one step towards him and brought my leg up before he knew what was happening and put my the head of my foot at the base of his throat. Jack's smile faded a little. 

"Where is he?" I snapped. 

Jack started chuckling. "So feisty." He said and i pushed on his throat harder. His laugh was replaced by an odd sound and his hand flew up to my ankle. 

"Alright, alright!" He managed to breathe out. "I'll tell you!"

I loosened up on the weight of my foot at his throat and he slapped my foot away and suddenly reached out for me and before i knew it, he had me pinned against him. My back to his hard chest, his arm around my neck and the other one around my waist. He tightened his grip as i struggled. 

"But before I do, how about a little rematch." Jack whispered and I could just see the smile on his face. 

He dragged me, backwards up the steps to the ring and picked me up and threw me over the ropes. I fell on my left arm and rolled, landing on my back. I coughed out form the blow and turned onto my front, getting on all fours. I heard shuffling on the side of me and I turned my head in time to see a boot make it's way to my stomach. I let out a strained breath. 

"Son of bitch." I hissed. 

"Doesn't feel too good does it." Jack said. And to prove his point he did another one. I was right, Jack did want revenge. Just because I kicked his ass at FFN. 

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