Telling Everbody

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A/n: Welcome to chapter 2! Hope its okay <3 Also I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes, alright enjoy lovlies~


3rd Person Pov

   Giving himself a couple of hours to relax and gather his thoughts a bit Shoto sought out to find Tenya and Momo needing to tell his best friends that he has to supposedly marry The Barbarian King. walking around the traditional interior of the castle that was lined with old paintings and elegant red curtains, which was scattered with small golden swirly patterns towards the bottom of it. Heading towards the stair wall which has a small living room area, by it he sees Momo and Tenya causally chatting and sipping their tea.

"Momo, Tenya I have been looking everywhere for you, and I uh happen to have some bad news..." Shoto spoke.

"What's wrong Shoto?" Momo and Tenya ask at the same time in a concerned voice.

"Uh well you see I have to marry The Barbarian King, Katsuki Bakugou, and before you ask I was not aware of this till this morning and I believe I will be leaving tomorrow"

"Pardon my language" Momo clears her throat, then continues "YOU HAVE TO FUCKING DO WHAT?!" Momo screeches

"Lady Momo'' Tenya gasps at the language but quickly brushes it aside ''Actually never mind Shoto are you being serious, do you have to marry The Barbarian King?'' emphasizing the name, knowing how feared the man is in their kingdom. Shoto takes a deep breath and sighs at this

"Yes I do, I don't like this idea either but I suppose I have to deal with it. I mean what choice do I have once father makes up his mind about something, I can't do anything about it." Shoto speaks trying to keep calm, although he was downright furious, scared, confused, and a whole lot of other feelings that he can't quite pinpoint. Both Momo and Tenya are absolutely speechless right now not sure what to say, just staring at him probably lost in thought. Growing uncomfortable Shoto speaks "Uh well if you will excuse me I have to get started packing a bit and getting ready for tomorrow."

"Ah yes go ahead Shoto we won't keep you" Momo speaks as Tenya and herself slowly walk away, leaving Shoto alone to collect his thoughts while he makes a retreat to his sleeping chambers. Sighing he doesn't know what to do he feels like shouting, yelling, crying, but he can't he has to stay composed because he can't afford to make any mistakes right now because for heaven's sake he has to go off and marry The Barbarian King, not that Shoto is scared of him no of course not, but he has to for the sake of some stupid truce.

What the fuck has his life become, just yesterday morning he was out training thinking he would get to live his life and get his very own happy ending, but the world is really cruel out there, it has always been this cruel to Shoto ever since he was born. He just had to be born with the power of both his mother and father.

Locked away from his siblings and by the age of 5 he was being trained to be some sort of warrior weapon for his father, that is until he started being rebellious he just more punished then normally getting hit by a couple of punches or getting life privileges taken away. He's kinda confused as to what he did this time to get his father to marry him off, he probably is just sick of having to see Shoto but quite frankly so is he. Maybe having to be married off to King Katuki Bakugou wont be that bad.

Getting kinda tired from thinking so much he brushed away the thoughts and starts packing all his clothes, his maids had seen him quickly coming to his side and helping him but Shoto just brushes them aside and says he can do this himself, although it took a while almost five hours to be exact. Finally done he wipes off some sweat from his forehead and heads to his sibling's sleeping chambers so he can say goodbye to them before a carriage arrives tommorow moring to take him to the mountains.

First arriving at his sister's room he softly knocks on the door and is soon greater by his sister standing there beautifully in a simple soft reddish-pink gown that didn't have any embroidery done and looked to be made out of silk, It looked beautiful although its simplicity. "Oh hello, Shoto did you need something-" cutting her off Shoto pulls her into a hug, and whispers something in her ear.

"I'm sorry Fuyumi but I... I uhh have to leave tomorrow and uhh go m-marry The Barbarian King" he stutters out and his eyes watered slightly it was fairly easy to do it to Tenya and Momo but when it comes to his siblings it is harder even though he didn't have a very good relationship with them when he was younger, but he started sneaking past his father not too long ago and started to grow closer with his siblings.

"I'm sorry your joking right? this is some sort of what do you call it..." she continues when it gets to her "This is some sort of prank right?" she speaks while looking at Shoto as if he's gone mad "Oh you look kinda pale is this where this is coming from, you just sick." Ah yes, Shoto thought the classic denial, he stops his sister before she can make any more claims. Clearing his throat he speaks.

"No Fuyumi this is a joke or a prank as you called it father wants me to go and marry the Barbarian King as to help our kingdom in some sort of truce, and I swear I did not hide this from you father himself just told me this morning." His eyes are teary he doesn't want his walls to break right now but admitting all this to his sister is a little bit too much for him right now.

"IM SORRY WHAT?!" a new voice is heard from behind him and his breath hitches and his tears are now pushing at the back of his eyes to fall out because he knows whos voice that is. Natsuo, why must he come now? Shoto thought, it is hard enough to tell Fuyumi he was hoping to recover and then talk to Natsuo but I suppose that is not the case.

He looks at Fuyumi who has silent tears spilling down her face and Shoto turns around to see that Natsuo is in a similar state although trying to hide it with his fist. Then suddenly both pull his into a hug and the dam he's been trying to hold up for the whole day finally collapses and tears are spilling so fast he doesn't realize this. Its because Shoto is scared, he's furious, he's confused, and maybe a little happy to be leaving his father. It's all so mixed up for him right now.

They stay like that for a little bit more time just enjoying the last bit of the company they had of each other until they all got tired and decided to head to bed. Shoto returns to his room and just lays on the mattress starting into the ceiling, soon he slowly falls asleep as his eyelids get too heavy for him to hold up. He is dreading what tomorrow will bring, silently hoping it won't be too bad though.

End Chapter 2~


A/n: This one took a bit longer for me to finish, but I feel like it got slightly jumbled up towards. Anyways I hope it was alright, have a good day/night or just good day in general. Bye bye lovlies~ 

A Barbarian and A Prince (Todobaku/Bakutodo) !! DISCONTINUED !!Where stories live. Discover now