Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Tell me... what... the hell... just happened." I breathed, placing my hands over my head. Ace looked up at me apologetically, then unzipped the duffle bag, revealing huge wads of cash.

"I took what was rightfully mine." He shrugged, smiling goofily. "Oh, and accidentally knocked out two or three security guards. But they work for me, so I'm allowed to do that... I think. Also, I activated a security thingy, so long story short, I blew our cover and now the po-po thinks we are wanted criminals"

"You IDIOT!" I slapped his shoulder, noticing his swollen knuckles for the first time. "Jesus, Ace. What am I going to do with you?" I shook my head disapprovingly, seeing his eyes flashing in amusement.

"You can do anything to me, baby" He joked, knowing it would take all my self-control not to crack a smile. Instead, I rolled my eyes, lightly grazing my fingers over his bruised hand. Ace winced, and I quirked a brow at him.

"Really? The great Ace Mitchell in pain?" I was cut short by the shouting of police officers.

"RUN!" I screamed, sprinting down the alleyway with Ace close behind. Police siren's blared in the distance and I cursed myself for ever agreeing with him. Our heavy footfalls echoed throughout the eerie backstreet, occasionally splashing in dirty puddles.

"Danny over here!" Ace called, and I spun around, seeing him pointing at a small tunnel in between two buildings. "Let's hide in here, it's tight... but we'll fit." He persuaded. I hesitantly followed, crawling into the small cave. Ace's large frame barely made it in, and I slid next to him with ease. We sat against the wall, heads resting on each other, panting laboriously. Sweat poured down our faces from the strenuous activity over the past two hours.

"Move your asses! They couldn't have gotten far!" I heard a man's husky voice reverberate in the sketchy alleyway. Footfalls padded hard against the ground closer to us, and Ace covered my mouth with his hand, noticing my breathing increase rapidly. He lifted a finger to his lips telling me to be quiet and I nodded, inhaling steadily.

"Calm down" He mouthed, and I nodded again trying to steady my racing heartbeat. The sirens became louder, and more footfalls approached.

"Come out with your hands up, Mr. and Mrs. Starkie." A loud intercom projected, and I cringed at our cover names.

"It's okay, do it, and follow my lead" Ace assured me, and we filed out of the tunnel, hands above our heads. We are so fucked.


Blinding lights welcomed us onto the street as Ace groaned in annoyance.

"Guys Listen up" He roared, clapping his hands together like a camp counselor trying to get children's attention. "EXCUSE ME!" Everyone silenced and turned to our direction, staring at Ace with crooked smiles. I shot him a questioning glance, only getting a wink in return. Laughter erupted from the cops, making me even more confused. What the hell was happening. I relaxed my arms and placed them on my waist, cocking my hip to the side, anger coursing through my veins.

"Guys, I told you to wait until we got to the car" Ace whined, stepping towards me, gently laying his palm on my lower back.

"Can someone please tell me what I'm obviously missing!" I interrupted, stomping my bare foot on the ground. They scratched the back of their heads nervously, looking anywhere else but at me. I shot my head around towards Ace, demanding an explanation.

"Erm... well... I... I orchestrated the whole thing." The words tumbled out of his mouth so fast, I barely heard him.


"Love, calm down, I do this every once and a while... fun, right? I just didn't tell you it was fake... more fun for you that way. Did you really think I'd let you flirt with a bouncer like that! He obviously knew, which is why he let me slip by. Actually now that I think about it, maybe I should've told you... probably would have saved you a lot of stress."

"YOU THINK? I... I-" My body trembled with rage, making me completely speechless. I took a deep breath, attempting to calm my nerves. "So, let me get this straight... you fake rob your own club... for fun?" He nodded and I slapped my forehead, dumbfounded. "How did you even get them to agree with you?"

"Well, I know them all, and the crime rate here is close to zero, so really it's really fun for everyone. Well, except for the guards I punched... and my fist" He frowned and studied his hand.

"Fun? FUN? I'll show you fun." I stomped over to him, ready to tackle his stupid body to the hard ground, but he predicted my movement and started to run away.

"Danny, come on, let's just all take a deep, calming... AHHH" I pumped my legs harder, almost able to grab his T-shirt. Many cops belly laughed at my actions, while Ace tried to hide behind them. He jumped over the hoods of cars, finding different routes to slow me down.

"YOU ARE SO DEAD" I screamed, sprinting diagonally to cut him off. Finally, he stopped and ducked behind the police chief. Softly panting from the activity. I smiled and smoothed out my dress, walking around to see Ace cowering, and rolled into a ball.

"You know, I actually have a thing to get to, can we finish this another time? How about a rain check?"

I chuckled sarcastically, and squatted down, taking his chin between my manicured fingers. "Not a chance in hell, hot stuff. You have a LOT of sucking up to do before tonight ends."

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