“I remember that” said the women. “I’m Tina, by the way. So, what can I do for you, Jennifer?”

“Uh…” I said, “Maybe you can introduce me to Jacob?”

Jacob is also the name of a boy I like in school but I doubt they are the same guy.

“I would love to…” she said and she smiled wide. “He’s a really nice kid. He would love to meet a real human girl!”

“I know I’m not supposed to…” I said, “But uh, can you look after Josh for a few minutes. Can you have someone look after him?”

“I can, dear…” she said, “Tell Jacob I sent you. He’s in the office house by the parking lot…”

I didn’t know Tina more than a few minutes, but I felt like I could trust her already. It wasn’t so bad, I guess. I pointed to Josh, who was already going down the slide and she told me she would be looking after him until I was ready to take care of Josh again. I guess I could just of turned Josh off but I minus will let him have fun and this women seemed trustworthy. I knew he was just a robot, but I hoped I was right.

I started to walk towards the parking lot, and I didn’t really know what I was doing but I had a good feeling about Jacob.

I knocked at the door, and I heard a realistic seventeen year old sounding voice tell me to come in. I opened the door, and I saw a boy sitting with his bare feet on the wooden desk. He had long blonde hair, and was wearing just a bathing suit with a string through it. He was skinny and had clear skin, in shape, a nice face. I looked him up and down and I smiled.

“Hi” I said.

“Hi” he said, and I giggled, looking at his bare feet on the table. He then put his feet down on the wooden floor and he walked over to me. He was the same height as me, and I would never think he was anything but a real boy.

“So, Tina sent you?” he said.

“Yes” I said.

“I’m Jacob” he said, and he put out his hand. I put out mine too and he shook it.

“So you’re a Sonic robot?” I said.

“Yes” he said, “And you are a real girl?” He smiled when he said that and he had a really nice smile, but all robots seem good looking.

“Tina said you are taking care of a robot boy for your health class…” he said, and he put one strand of hair out of his eyes. He had nice eyes. He looked like a model.

“Yeah” I said. “So, Jacob…can we talk?”

“Okay” he said and he sat down in the roll chair between the desk, and rolled the chair over to me. I looked at his feet on the wooden floor, and I looked at him in the chair. Everyone would die if I brought this guy to school. Well, he is a robot, but he seemed so human. He seemed so real. I couldn’t believe it. I don’t know why I was shocked. Josh seemed very real, but Jacob was someone my age. Someone I could really like. Can you really like a robot?

“So, tell me about yourself” he said, “Tina always said I should date a real girl…”

“Oh, I’m sure there are robot girls” I said and I paused. Are there?

“Real girls are so much better” said Jacob. “You girls have a range of emotions, and you aren’t circuits, metal and plastic. Oh, robot girls seem real like robot boys who seem real. All we Sonic Robots seem real, but we aren’t. I guess there’s not much to me. I was made in a factory in Japan. I was sold on a website. I don’t remember much of that but I was bought to work at this water park and I’ve lived here my entire life. I’m a life guard basically…”

“Oh” I said, “Well, I go to school. I live with my mom and dad. My parents are divorced…I guess there’s not much to tell…I ended up with a Sonic robot as a part of a school assignment…So, Jacob, what are your hobbies?”

I didn’t know what really to say, so I asked that. He looked at me and nodded. I shrugged. He didn’t really seem to have much of a life beyond this water park. I guess I really should go check on Josh, or maybe I could tell Jacob about him.

“You know…” I said, “I have this robot kid. Tina’s looking after him right now. I just felt like I could trust her, you know?”

“She’s very trustworthy…” he said and I could feel him looking at me. I really liked Josh, but I was aware Josh is totally not real. I wasn’t sure if Jacob was. “She’s like a mom to me, sometimes. Tina’s always looking out for me. I keep telling her they should get a real lifeguard. You know, give a real person a job…”

I listened to him and I looked him up and down. Jacob wasn’t real, alright. He was too perfect, and so was Josh. I wondered something, though. I wondered if I could ask Jacob out on a date. I just nodded my head as he spoke.

“I’m happy they didn’t give a real guy a job” I said, “I’ve dated real guys before. They are okay. Jacob, you ever been out with a real girl…”

“I’ve never left this water park very much and during the other times of year, I’m in storage…” he said, honestly.

“We can change that” I said.

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