Chapter one

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The people at my school are always so happy. I only had one friend, my best friend, Ashlee, and it felt like she was the only person in the world who actually cared for me. because of her abusive parents, my room was her safe place.

If your uncomfy, or your a goody-two-shoes who doesn't have these feelings, you should get the fuck out of my diary because it's only gonna get worse from here. I warned you. No offense..?

My name is Dylan. And yes, I'm a girl. I get people thinking I'm a boy a lot. So if you thought I was a boy just looking at my name, I forgive you. 

Anyway, I'm going to tell you the things that happened to me before I became depressed. 

I actually let a boy from my class take me out. His name was Lucas. I think instead of actually taking me out, he was just going out with me to brag to his friends he took someone out, and I think he thought this "date" was going to go further then just going to the movies. But when he tried to make a move on me, I pulled away and said, "You know what Lucas, I think I just want to go home." He replied, "Whatever, your just a tease, aren't you?" and then told me to walk home. I don't even know why I like boys. This is one of the biggest reasons I like girls more. 

Being bisexual is just normal for me. There are some bisexuals who are more straight and less gay, or more gay and less straight. or some just love both genders equally. I'm more gay. I've liked girls more then guys, and if I had to choose between a girl and a guy, I would so choose the girl. 

People always assumed things about me that aren't even fucking true about me. For example, after going on that stupid date with Lucas, he decided to say all over school that I TRIED TO MAKE THE MOVE, AND I DID THINGS AND PRESSURED HIM INTO DOING OTHER THINGS. oh, who cares, i'm just gonna say it. he said I got "turned onto him" and tried pulling down his PANTS, and It's pretty obvious what he said next. I was so angry. When the bell rang, I marched up to Lucas, and I screamed at him. Well, that's what I wanted to do. Instead, I went into the bathroom stall and cried. I even ate my lunch there. I waited until the halls were clear to leave the bathroom. I started walking down the stairs, and guess who was waiting at the bottom of the stairs with 2 Monsters and a big box of chocolates. You guessed it, It was Ashlee. 

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