getting there

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After we did our hair and make-up, Dianna said she had got us and Uber

"I'm so excited there's going to be so many hot boys."-Dianna

"Dianna jeez what's up with you being so,umm."-Amia

"In love with random people?"-Dianna

"No, I was going to say disgusting. But if you but it in that way yeah."-Amia

"I don't know, I'm just am."-Dianna

I give her a weirded out look.
What? Its not my fault you haven't felt like this yet! She shouted out.
Whatever.-Amia as I rolled my eyes.
Oh and I have felt like that.

"When have you then?!"-Dianna

"You know, when-"~Amia

"Oh yeah, sorry for shouting."-Dianna

"Its fine. I giggled.


The uber got here, and I grabbed my purse. And Dianna pulled my hand and rushed me into the car.

"Hurry up were going to be late!!!!! Dianna shot at me."

"Okay okay jeez"-Amia

I looked out the the window, and I could already see drunk people. I started to get nervous, and I gulped

"Are you okay?"-Dianna

"Yeah I'm fine." I smiled nervously

"What's the matter I can tell when something is wrong."-Dianna

"Well I'm scared what if drunk people try to hurt me or we crash or I say something stupid or- "

Diana cut me off
"Everything is going to be fine don't stress it."-Dianna

"Okay I'm fine now."-Amia

"Alright let's get ready to partyyyyyy!!!"-Dianna yelled

"Wooo!!"-Amia I started giggling.
Dianna always makes me feel better when im upset.

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