'As we should.'

. . .

''Now, begin!'' The teacher said, indicating for all of the students to start. The students wasted no time to start, since they had just 50 minutes to finish the test. 

'Why did I read? I should've practiced more!' Saiki, recognizing the familiar voice, turned to [Y/N]. Her brows were furrowed, as her eyes were directed on the piece of paper.

'Maybe you were trying to distract yourself from the headaches that are our classmates,' Saiki wrote in another answer on his test. 'Who knows.'

''Okay, it's 'e'.'' Nendou said, a sound of a pencil rolling filling the silent room.

'So I won't be seeing him after this term...' Saiki thought, staring at his test. 'Even with that method, there is one way he can avoid flunking the test. I could move his pencil using psychokinesis.'

''There! Another 'e'?''

''ーQuiet, Nendou!''

'I could, but even I don't feel like helping someone who doesn't even make an effort.' Saiki wrote down his answer, which was an ''a''. 'Unless you're [Y/N]. Then I'd definitely help.'

''The next one is 'a'.'' Nendou said, writing down the answer.

'He got them all correct?! What the...' Saiki turned to Nendou, a completely confused expression on his face. He never expected Nendou to get all of the answer correct like that.

'How did I get all the answers Nendou got...' Saiki flinched at the familiar voice of thought, and turned to it. Of course, it was [Y/N]'s. 'I have a bad feeling about it. Well, no matter.' [Y/N] started crossing out an answer.

'ーThey're the correct answers!'

'ーEh?' [Y/N] blinked, in the midst of crossing out an answer, then looked around with a puzzled expression. 'Did I... What? Did my thoughts... interfere with my own to stop me from crossing out..? I am so confused.'

'Good grief, now [Y/N] is confused,' Saiki thought, having a strong urge to let out an exasperated sigh. 'Nendou is completely trampling over my plans. So much so, that I needed to use Subliminal.'

Saiki looked back at Nendou, and took a closer look at him. 'Even so, how the heck did he get them all right?!' Saiki didn't use any powers to help him out, yet how did he...

. . .

''Among the 181 students, Nendou ranked 90th?!'' Kaidou and Hairo shout in disbelief, their eyes directed on the scoreboard, which consisted which place got every student.

''You're always at the very bottom, so how did you...?!'' Kaidou asked, looking at Nendou, who had a smug look on his face.

''I told you, tests are nothing,'' Nendou replied. ''I used this thing up here.'' Nendou pointed at his head, indicating that he used his brain.

''I see. So you got hit in the temporal region, huh?!''

While Kaidou, Hairo and Nendou were bickering to each other, a girl was staring at the scoreboard with a tired and dead-looking expression when she found her name.

'[L/N] [Y/N], 89th place.'

''Oh,'' She mumbled, looking at her name. ''I was expecting at least 70th. Oh well.'' She scratched the back of her head, as she finally noticed the figure next to her.

'Good grief. Now I know why I saw a 2nd Nendou,' Saiki thought, staring at Nendou's score. 'Toritsuka, you should keep your spirit in check. You ruined my plan of being right behind [Y/N]'s score.'

''S-Sorry, Saiki...'' Kaidou says, looking at Saiki with pity.

'For what? Well, this wasn't the exact score I wanted, 90th, but it's still close.' Saiki thought, staring at the scoreboard with a deadpanned expression. Specifically his name, which has the 91st place.

''Hm? Oh, didn't we end up with the same score last exam, Saiki?'' [Y/N] spoke up, catching Saiki off-guard, but nonetheless agreeing.

''Yeah, we did.''

''Coincidental, isn't it? Guess we're average like no other,'' [Y/N] said, a small smile on her lips, but paused once she realized her words, ''I didn't mean to say you're averageー Well,''

While [Y/N] was trying to apologize, Saiki was staring at her as if she was some sort of deity. With hope in his eyes, he had refrain himself from an excited smile, but he still had a ghostly-smirk.

'[Y/N], you were always the one friend I wanted, but now, I think we just became best friends.'

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