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  "Midnight is scary..." You shuddered as you walked with Rocky, Harigomu, and Hateshinaka to the cafeteria. Rocky laughed heartily, eyes twinkling with amusement.

"I told ya! She's a monster!"

"You should have been here at the beginning of the year. She was way worse than she is now." Harigomu chuckled, messing up his bright pink hair. "Ten times more sadistic, and a lot meaner. Made Hiro almost cry."

"I-I did not!" Hateshinaka protested, face flushing. You giggled, cheeks rosy.

"I like you guys a lot."

Rocky beamed down at you, cheeks dusted with a light blush.

"We like you too, mamas! I'm kinda glad I beat up that villain!"

Your heart fluttered and you averted your gaze from him, smiling bashfully at the ground. "Me too, Rocky."

"So, L/N, what school did you go to before this?" Harigomu inquired, grabbing a lunch tray.

"I went to Shiketsu. I didn't like it there, though. The air was stuffy and the uniforms were hella itchy."

"Aah, there's some stuck-up fuckers in Shiketsu. One of 'em tried picking a fight with me in my old middle school." Rocky grumbled, scooping mashed potatoes onto his tray. "You're probably the only person from Shiketsu that I like. Well, even though you're not from Shiketsu anymore."

"Yeah, my classmates were really ignorant. Didn't like being there." You sighed, stepping out of line after getting a sufficient amount of food. "Hopefully this place is different."

Rocky pursed his lips, obviously itching to say something. Harigomu glanced at him, before opening his mouth to speak. "Well, the only really stuck up people are some second-year's from Class 1-A. Rocky hates Katsuki Bakugo and his friends."

"I don't have a problem with his friends! But that fucker is annoying as hell!" Rocky blurted out, eyebrows furrowed. "Always has somethin' nasty to say! And has a nasty attitude, too! Thank god you weren't here when we had mentors!"

"He sounds like a real jerk. Jeez." You said, eyebrows creasing. "I wish I transferred during the beginning of the year so I could give that guy a piece of my mind for you."

Rocky's expression relaxed and he smiled kindly at you, less tense than before. "There's no need to get involved, mamas, but thanks for the thought. I'd rather keep you safe from that bastard's toxic mouth than let you anywhere near him."

"Rocky is a gem amongst men." Harigomu piped up, sitting down at a table. "It's a miracle that he hasn't lost his temper yet."

"Aah, stop that, I'm blushing!" Rocky laughed, cheeks flushing. "Believe it or not, I had a temper on me back in middle school!"

  "Really?" You questioned, tilting your head. Rocky turned to you, smiling sheepishly and scratching the back of his neck.

  "Yeah, it was pretty bad. Used to get into fights all the time, sometimes even with teachers! But I took an anger management class in my second year of middle school, and after a while I learned how to control my anger better!"

  "Damn, that's a lot of commitment, Rocky, I'm proud of you." You said, lips curving up in a tiny smile. Rocky grinned, face reddening.

  "Dang it, now you got me blushing again!"

  "If only I had the sense of commitment Rocky has..." Hateshinaka sighed, taking a bite of his sandwich. "Kihougou's right, Rocky really is a great guy."

  "Why's everyone singing my praises today..." Rocky mumbled, burying his head in his arms to hide his beet red face. You giggled, eyes sparkling.

  "Because you deserve it! And helping to sing your praises is the least I can do to try to repay you for saving me!"

  Rocky lifted his head, chocolate eyes twinkling softly. He grinned, reaching over to ruffle your hair.

  "No need to repay me, little mama, it was the right thing for me to do. And getting to become friends with you is payment enough."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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