Ch-1 Birthday Surprises!

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A/N: I got the inspiration from @Nimbus_firebolt. So thank you!

Third person's POV

On a nice warm summer, the potter manner was completely quiet. Harry's table clock read 4:00 a.m. Austin quietly snuck inside and Bam! Harry woke up screaming. Austin had pour icy cold water on Harry. "Happy Birthday Harry!" He shouted. "Who wishes like that!?" Asked Harry, shivering. "Likely to happen if it is Aussie." Said Teddy, standing on the doorway. "Ugh! Don't call me that!" He replied, then turned to Harry, "Get changed quickly, time to wake up other children." After Harry got changed, the trio went down to get a few plans ready. " Done!" Harry cried after an hour they spent on a potion. "Finally, this is going to be my best birthday ever!" The boys sneaked up into Carina's room first. Carina was known to be the prank queen. She could be better than the marauders sometimes. Even though she was the queen of pranks, Carina was not an early bird. She would be really moody if someone woke her up before 7:30, sometimes resulting in being late for classes. The boys quietly snuck up to her bed and poured the potion on Carina's hair. "I really feel like something isn't right." Whispered Teddy. "What do you mean?" Asked Harry. "I mean, after she finds out we are gonna be in trouble." "Talk about yourselves, it's my birthday today she ain't gonna do anything to me." Austin scowled."That's not fair!" He whisper shouted, "You were involved too!" Harry just chuckled. "Okay let's go the effects are gonna start in a few moments, we don't want to be get caught." With that they left the room. What they did not know was someone was listening to their conversation...

Carina's POV

I woke up to Harry screaming. I glanced at the clock and it read 4:00 a.m. Then it hit me that it was Harry's birthday and Aussie and Ted pranked him. I also knew that I would be next. So I went downstairs to sneak up on them. They were working on a potion which by there talks seemed like was a hair-colour changing one. I sneaked back up, opened my cupboard of potions and took out two of them. One was the antidote of what they were making and the other was the potion they were making. I dropped a few drops of it on my doorway making a line so that as soon as they enter, they step on it. And as I know more than them, I made it advanced, by making it to work even if touched any other part of your body. Then I went back in my covers and pretended to be asleep waiting for them. After an hour or so, they came up, not noticing anything odd as the potion dries up but still works, used their potion on me, talked about how I wouldn't prank Harry, and went to wake prank the others. Oh they are so wrong. I thought and went back to sleep.

Third Person's POV

After they had set all the pranks it was about time Lily woke up. So, they got fresh, and sat on the couch waiting. Not five minutes later, Lily entered. "Happy Birthday Harry! You boys are up early." She said. "Thanks mum! And you would wake up early too if someone put ice cold water on you at 4:00 a.m." Harry shot a nasty glance at Austin who smiled innocently. "And I believe other children are waking up screaming your names?" Asked Lily already knowing the answer. "Yup," Said Teddy, popping the 'p' "and guess what? We even got the opportunity to prank Carina! And we didn't miss it, ofcourse." He replied enthusiastically. "Trust you boys to mess things up." Said Lily shaking her head. It was when they heard a scream from Ally's room. "HARRY FRICKING POTTER!". "Looks like you are in trouble, Haz." Said Teddy. "Whatever. It's gonna be worth it." He just shrugged it off. After not so long, screams were heard from everyone's room. "What have you done to my hair!?" Exclaimed Andrew. "I'm looking like a Weasley!" After a few moments everyone calmed down. The elders were rolling with laughter. " When is it wearing off?" Asked Amy. "One hour." Replied Austin as if it was nothing. Ally opened her mouth to say something but then closed it. All of them knew it was useless to argue with the SGM. The clock read 7:57 a.m. and Carina came downstairs. Everyone looked at her as if she were an alien. "Morning..." She said, then looked at their reactions. "What?" "Why is your hair in your normal colour?!" Asked Olivia, in disbelief. "Yeah why didn't yours work?! We made sure that especially yours had all the right ingredients in it!" Exclaimed Harry. "That's because little one," replied Carina messing Harry's already messy hair, which she knew he hated, "I am smarter." Then she tossed a flask with what looked like a potion in it to Andrew. "It's the antidote to their potion. The one I used." She then glanced at the clock. It read 7:59 a.m. She turned to talk to the trio. " I was awake when you used your potion on me. Well woken by Harry's screams. Anyway and you think I won't prank Harry today right?" They nodded. "Well you're totally wrong." The clock now read 8:00 a.m. and the three boys' hair turned into three different colours. Harry's went platinum blonde, Austin's went a really bright shade of pink and Teddy's was a fiery orange. "What is this!? I am not able to change my hair colour anymore!" Cried Teddy "Chill. That's what you get to try pranking the prank queen. And the others." She added as an afterthought. "I look like like a Malfoy!" Exclaimed Harry. "Happy Birthday kiddo." Replied Carina smirking slightly.

A/N: So that was my first chapter! How do you like it? Could I change something?
Next chapter will be out soon!

P.S- What's your favourite spell?

(Word count in story- 993)

Peace out!

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