Demon Prince (part two)

Start from the beginning

"I guess our problem has been free for longer than we thought," the guy with my boy said, rolling his eyes. "Whoever you took home last night, it wasn't my friend. Go find someone else to bother."

"I wasn't with anyone last night," I said, getting angry at this intruder, "but I want to get to know your friend here. So do us a favor and skedaddle."

"Skedaddle?" the annoying guy said. "Are we five? Do you even know his name?"

"I could have found out his name by now if you weren't getting in the way," I said, pulling my boy closer to me. I didn't like how my love stood so close to the annoying brat. I looked down into his adorable face and asked, "What's your name, baby?"

Wayo's POV

"What's your name, baby?" the tall man asked me as he pulled me next to him. I gulped a little, not sure how I should react. He was acting like one of the guys that had been duped by my enemy, the Prince of Envy. This man was handsome and I really wanted to tell him my name, but if he'd already been in bed with my envious double, I wouldn't want to give him hope.

I know, that doesn't make sense, but if he's been with my double, then he probably wasn't looking for anything serious. He just wanted to repeat a one night stand. I definitely wasn't interested in someone who only wanted sex. Even if he wanted more, someone who slept with a guy they just met wasn't likely to be someone I had much in common with. Just because I'm the Prince of Lust doesn't mean I don't have standards.

"Have we met before?" I asked him. Had my enemy already been with this handsome man?

"You helped me pick up my papers earlier today," he said, smiling at me. I remember picking up papers for someone who had dropped them near the Medical Faculty. There was a good looking lust demon with him. "My name is Pha."

"Is that the only time we met?" I asked, needing to be sure.

"I'm sure," Pha replied. "Believe me, I would remember if I'd met you any other time."

Ming gave me a hard look, grabbing my arm, "We're going to lose him if you keep talking."

I let Ming pull me along, we really did need to find that certain someone before he got me into real trouble. But Pha looked unhappy. I used flames to write my phone number in the air in front of his face, and said over my shoulder, "My name is Yo. You can call me."

"You shouldn't give your number out to strangers," Ming said, finally letting go of my arm as we got away from Pha.

"I'm a Prince of Hell," I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "Even if he wanted to, he can't kill me."

"Just be careful," Ming said, walking quickly. "He might not be a good guy."

"So where are we going?" I asked, as we walked out to the parking lot.

"I got a message from Kit," Ming said. "He told me to come get you, apparently you're kissing some guy in the canteen at the Medical Faculty, right out in public. Or at least you were about 5 minutes ago."

"I really hate that guy," I said, wishing my dad had been able to get them to actually imprison the Prince of Envy. Unfortunately, he was young and his father had a lot of influence, so he just got put under house arrest. In my opinion, that just wasn't enough.

It wasn't that I hadn't tried to be generous. I spoke to him, trying to be his friend, telling him that I'd appreciate if he wouldn't impersonate me. But he'd laughed in my face and told me to enjoy my newfound notoriety. What an ass!

Unknown POV

Can you believe some jackass actually said that I needed a breath mint and some practice before I could be good in bed? He also said that he'd be willing to teach me, because my face was so adorable, so I assume it's his way of trying to get more than a one night stand. Not going to happen, loser.

The guy I'm currently with though is not a joke. He's totally hot. I've only been kissing him for a few minutes and already I'm rock hard. I considered whipping it out and jerking off in public, it seemed like something the Prince of Lust would do, but I don't want to stop the way this hottie is grinding against me. This guy didn't seem to have any problem with my kisses, his excitement was obvious to everyone.

I pulled away long enough to invite him to my room when a gasp went up from the crowd. They'd already gasped when they saw me making out in public, so why would they need to do it again when I stopped? That's when I realized I was in trouble.

First, some miniature guy with dimples was making a video of my make out session. That didn't really bother me, but it brought up a whole litany of problems when another boy with the same face comes walking into the picture.

"How did you get out?" Ming asked, giving me a dirty look. Wayo stood beside him, looking angry and embarrassed.

"None of your business," I replied, flames bursting from my eyes. This guy always pissed me off. "All that matters is that I'm free."

"Not for long," Ming said, smiling, "as soon as we show that video to the Demon Lord, you're going to find yourself imprisoned. This time you won't get away with house arrest either. We'll make sure of it. Time's up, Park."

"I'm not Park!" I yelled, annoyed. Didn't he see my face? "My name is Wayo!"

The hot guy I had been kissing looked at me strangely, moving away as he saw my illusions begin to fade. Damn, why can't I ever keep them in place when I get angry? It doesn't matter. I don't need illusions anymore. I am Wayo, the Prince of Lust. I didn't just look like him, I was him! Everyone knew me, I was special! I had money, power, a father who loved me, a face that everyone desired!

I ran toward the short red-head, determined to look at my video. I needed to confirm my identity. Of course, I am Wayo. Who else would I be? I'm the Prince of Lust, everyone wants me!

Before I can get close enough, I feel a sharp pain on my head and everything goes dark.

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